Page 5 - 2023 Lake Washington Issue
P. 5
appie Club
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Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
From The Presidents Desk - Scott Ryals
We’ve completed our 3rd tournament of the excellent support staff, the job is much easier. I
season. I think our participation is good with all ask each of you to show sportmanship on the lake
the crappie tournament circuits available. I see it and respect each other. If you see something say
improving as we something.
move on.
My goal for this
Thank you, club is to do whatever
Washington County it takes to continue
Tourism, for your making the Magnolia
continued support Crappie Club grow
and sponsorship. stronger. If you have
The people around ideas that you think will
Lake Washington work, bring me your
are super nice folk. plan. I’ll be glad to
They make you feel submitt it to our Board
welcome and love of Directors. We cannot
our weigh-ins. think of everything.
Any ideas that makes
Thank you to us more effiecient are
Roy’s Store for the welcomed.
excellent food and for providing a place for us to
have a weigh-in. Thank you to our MCC crew for Next up is our Barnett tournament on November
their dedication. 5th. Our registration will be at Pelican Cove, with our
Weigh-in at Madison Landing. It’s an ideal location,
Being your Club President is a new experience with an excellent dock for launching and superb
for me. I’m learning as I go. It’s a pleasure to serve food. See you at Barnett.
a fine group of members like we have with MCC. I
do know one important thing, when you have an Scott
5 - Adventures Magazine - MCC 2023 Lake Washington Issue