Page 4 - 2023 Grenada Lake Spring Issue
P. 4
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Magnol ia Cr appie Club Adv entur es Magazine
From The Presidents Desk - Scott Ryals
Grenada is phenomenal fishery, it’s loaded with huge Barnett. If you’ve never been to a weigh-in at the Academy
crappie. It’s also loaded with anglers, local and out-of-state. Sports in Flowood, prepare for a good time. Academy has
Pulling up to a landing and been our BMO sponsor for
seeing tags from 8 or 9 years. They’re one of our
states is impressive. That premier sponsors. Please thank
tells me the word is out all them for their support.
over the country. Living as I’m asking our anglers to
close to the best crappie lake be careful, courteous, and
in the country as possible is respectful to the fellow anglers
a blessing. fishing Crappie Masters. Show
Congratulations to them that we’re as professional
Billy Baughman and Chris as they are. We all love the
Steele on their impressive sport of crappie fishing. I’ve
win; 17.43 pounds and seen as many as five or six big
a 3.06-pound big fish is bass tournaments on Barnett in
the spring on the same day.
impressive on any lake. Con- We have two tournaments remaining for the season. It’s
gratulations to John Harrison and Carlos Willis, 17.25 pounds been a great year, we’ve been safe, and we’ve been blessed.
and a 3.05 big fish. This is the first time we had a tie for the Yes, we had some bad weather tournaments, but we’ve
Big Mama Open winners at 3.22 pounds, congratulations worked through all of them. Thanks for your determination.
to Colton Brower, who fished solo, and the Trent Goss and
Chris Chambers team. Be safe, and see you at Barnett. Scott
Get ready for the Academy Sports Big Mama Open on
4 - MCC Adventures Magazine - MCC 2023 Grenada Lake Spring Issue