Page 31 - 2022 Grenada Lake Spring Tournament
P. 31
appie Club
ia Cr
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
From The Presidents Desk - Michael Nowell
Grenada Lake is such an awesome crappie fishery. team of Brian Young and Gerald Overstreet with over 20
We all look forward to hitting Grenada Lake in the pounds for their seven fish limit. Let me say that again.
spring. Because we all know Over 20 pounds on a day that
that with just one bite, we could some teams did not think they
catch a fish of a lifetime. Many would survive the ride back to the
anglers caught their fish of a boat ramp! Congratulations!
lifetime while pre-fishing leading
up to this tournament. Paula and Now that Grenada is in the
I were looking forward to getting books, we only have two more
back on the water and seeing if regular-season tournaments
we could build on our success before the Championships. A
during the Crappie Masters the team must finish the season in
week before. the Top 50 of the BnM Angler of
the Year Points Race to fish the
We knew where the Big fish Championships. For those teams
were. We could not fish the area on the bubble, it is not too late.
properly with the high wind and You can make up many places
waves. It was not for lack of try- with the points from these two
ing. We spent hours battling the wind and waves, trying tournaments.
to catch just one of those Big crappie.
Next up, we are headed to the Ross Barnett Reser-
Nothing is more heartbreaking than spending so voir. This will be our last Big Mama tournament of the
much time getting into position to finally catch one of season. The bite was really good just the other day. Let
these monsters and then have a big wave come crashing me tell you. There is a lot of big fish in Barnett right
into the boat. All you can do is watch as that monster now. This tournament should produce some HUGE
fish goes screaming off the screen and out of your life. weights! So be sure not to miss out. Let’s make this last
After fishing all day in these poor conditions, Big Mama the biggest yet!
I have MAD respect for the anglers who brought in Sore Lip Them All
some big weights. None bigger than the BnM Pro Staff
31 - Adventures Magazine - MCC Grenada Lake Spring 2022 Issue