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P. 17

Fishing Games

     Fishing For Numbers is an   Fishing For Colors has 20   Fishing For Letters is an
     excellent way to practice   different colors. All your       excellent way to learn the
     counting. Each fishing card   primary colors and some       alphabet. There’s a picture
     has a magnet on it and when  additional colors to make this   that goes with each letter.
     the children fish with their   Fishing Game loads of fun.   Children can learn letters
     fishing pole then they need to  Besides finding the colors the   and their sounds too! This is
     match up the number of        children can find a picture with   a must have for your
     objects on the player’s board.  that color in it. There are 2   children.
     Children can count by              fishing poles that come with     $9.75
     themselves or as a large   each game. Great way to learn
     group to help children   how to share. You can expand
     strengthen their counting   on this game by letting the
     abilities.              children find objects in your
                             activity room that are the same
     $9.75                   color.


      Fishing For Shapes will    Fishing In Africa is our         Fishing In The Ocean is a
      assist the children in          newest fishing game. This is a  great way for children to learn
      learning their basic shapes   great way for children to learn  about different marine life. Also
      along with a few new ones.   about different animals. Also   included in this game is an
      This is a great game to learn   included in this game is an   educational booklet that gives
      fine motor skills and much   educational booklet that gives  some information about each
      more. Great fun!       some information about each   animal.

      $9.75                  $9.75                   $9.75

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