Page 33 - Starline_Holiday_2022
P. 33
BG346 BG347
Urban Peak 20L Dry Bag Urban Peak 30L Dry Bag Backpack
Taped waterproof seams and roll top closure to ensure Taped waterproof seams and roll top closure to ensure a waterproof
a waterproof seal. Constructed from 190T Polyester with seal. Constructed from 210T Grid Cloth with PVC backing. The clear,
PVC backing. Carabiner clip for convenient transport. water-resistant front zip pocket provides easy touch-screen accessibility
24 48 96 244 for electronic devices (device shown not included).
18.29 17.72 17.14 15.99 4C 18 36 72 144
34.39 33.29 32.19 29.99 4C
* Pricing subject to change. Please confirm on
* Pricing subject to change. Please confirm on
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