Page 18 - Sunspace-Merch-&-Marketing-Catalog-2025
P. 18


      TENT SUNSPACE                          TENT DEALER                            SUBLIMATED
      Tent for the event, one-sided printing and roof   Tent for the event, one-sided printing and roof   TABLECLOTH
      with its valances. Aluminum structure.  with its valances. Aluminum structure.  Standard sublimated tablecloth printed on all
      Included: Transport rigid wheeled bags.  Included: Transport rigid wheeled bags.  surfaces. Three sizes available.
      Size: 120" x 120". Mur : 120" x 80".   Size : 120" x 120". Wall : 120" x 80".  Content: Polyester 210 g.
      ID : TENT                              ID : TENT_Dealer                       ID : TABLECLOTH_48"
      Roof only : 1300 $ | 1390 Sunbuck      Roof only : 1300 $ | 1390 Sunbuck      220 $ | 286 Sunbuck
      ID : TENT-1                            ID : TENT-1_Dealer                     ID : TABLECLOTH_72"
      1 wall : 1665 $ | 2164,50 Sunbuck      1 wall : 1665 $ | 2164,50 Sunbuck      275 $ | 357,50 Sunbuck
                                                                                    ID : TABLECLOTH_96"
      ID : TENT-2                            ID : TENT-2_Dealer                     320 $ | 416 Sunbuck
      2 wall : 2030 $ | 2639 Sunbuck         2 wall : 2030 $ | 2639 Sunbuck
      ID : TENT-3                            ID : TENT-3_Dealer
      3 wall : 2395 $ | 3113,50 Sunbuck      3 wall : 2395 $ | 3113,50 Sunbuck

      SUBLIMATED                             LED COUNTER -                          LED COUNTER -
      COUNTER POP-UP                         STANDARD                               DE LUXE
      Autonomous, lightweight and stable.    Aluminum structure, base and countertop in   Aluminum structure, base and countertop in
      Size: 42" x 16" x 40".                 black melamine. Polyester 210 g.       gray melamine. Polyester 210 g.
      ID : COUNTER_POP-UP                    Included: Transportation bag.          Included: Transportation bag.
      615 $ | 799,50 Sunbuck                 Size: 32" x 21" x 40".                 Size: 41" x 16" x 42".
                                             ID : LED_COUNTER-standard              ID : LED_COUNTER-standard
                                             695 $ | 903,50 Sunbuck                 890 $ | 1157 Sunbuck

                                                                                           DELIVERY IN EXTRA
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