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             Stay hydrated, stay smart!
             HidrateSpark® bottles are
             the intelligent choice for your
             daily hydration needs. These
             incredible water bottles track
             your water intake through the
             HidrateSpark® App and glows
             to remind you to drink, all while
             keeping your drink cold for up
             to 24 hours.

                                       MOQ 24                                MOQ 24                               MOQ 24
           HidrateSpark  TAP Chug Tritan Water   HidrateSpark  TAP Chug Steel Water   HidrateSpark  TAP Straw Tritan Water
           Bottle - 24oz                        Bottle - 20oz                        Bottle - 32oz
           BDH1033                              BDH1031                              BDH1034
           Available in Chug or Straw Lid       Available in Chug or Straw Lid       Available in Chug or Straw Lid
           As low as $36.87(G)                  As low as $53.34(G)                  As low as $36.87(G)

                                                                                       *SETUP CHARGES APPLY. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
          30                    HIDRATESPARK      ®                                    VISIT WWW.STREGISGRP.COM FOR UP-TO-DATE PRICING
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