Page 29 - Chocolate_Chocolate_2022
P. 29

Artwork Requirements: PC formatted   Less-Than-Minimum: Inquire for less-than-
      Standard Packaging                                                          compatible with Illustrator or Photoshop.   minimum availability and charges.
                                                                                  Printed Items: vector, 300 ppi tif. Chocolate
                                                                                  Items: vector, everything outlined. Email art to:   Production Time: Standard production time for
      Sophisticated designs at no additional cost!                                 most items is 2 weeks. Rush services available
                                                                                                                    upon request. Rush charges apply.
      1. Choose Your Gift Box Lid                                                 Cancellations/Changes: All cancellations
                                                                                  and/or changes must be confirmed in writing.
      Choose from silver, gold, red, or black lid.                                All work up to the point of cancellation will be   Repeat Orders: No set-up fees and reduced
                                                                                                                    production time for exact reorders.
      (Lid options shown left.)                                                   billed. Changes to orders already in production
                                                                                  may result in delayed shipping and additional   Spec Samples: Spec samples available. Mold
      2. Choose Your Gift Band (Printed band sample shown left.)                  charges.                          fee(s) will be charged. Fee(s) will be applied
                                                                                                                    toward full order if approved.
                                                                                  Shipments: FOB Blaine WA. International
                                                                                  paperwork provided at no charge. Outside of   Virtual Samples: Digital virtual samples of
                                                                                  US or Canada, all duties, taxes, brokerage fees,   custom items available upon request. First
                                                                                  and handling charges are the responsibility of   virtual image is free, a $25 fee will be charged
                                                                                  the purchaser.                    for each revised virtual sample request.
      Direct Shipping                                                             Kosher Certification: Most of our products are   Email artwork to:

                                                                                  kosher certified by the Orthodox Union unless   Set-up Charges: A one-time mold fee of $127/V
      BUYING SHIPPING BOXES, ORGANIZING AND  LET US HELP!                         noted as such on our website.     applies to most custom chocolate items. All
                                                                                                                    molds remain property of the factory.
      PRINTING LABELS…YOU DON’T HAVE TIME.                                        SQF Certification: We are very proud to hold
                                                                                  the SQF Certification, a food safety and quality   Shelf Life: Chocolate has a shelf life of one year
      Sending a gift directly to each client is as simple as 1, 2, 3 …            program that is recognized by the Global Food   or longer if stored at room temperature away
                                                                                                                    from heat, humidity, direct sunlight, and strong
                                                                                  Safety Initiative (GFSI).
        1. Create your list on our supplied Excel spreadsheet                                                       odors. Store separately from all other types of
        2. Email the finished spreadsheet to             Art Proof: An electronic proof will be provided   foods. Chocolate items packaged with cookies
        3. Go get yourself a coffee and relax!                                    for new art at no charge; signed or emailed   or inclusions have a shelf life of 6-9 months.
                                                                                  approval required to begin production.
      We will look after everything from here on out:                                                               Warm-Weather Shipments: Ice gel packs
        •  Process your customer list                                             Payment Terms: Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard,   are used at no additional charge. Upgraded
        •  Pack your gift in custom foam-lined corrugated mailers                 American Express, and Discover Card) or Net   shipping method may be required based on
        •  Apply shipping label, mailer label, and add gift card (if ordered)     30 upon credit application approval.   destination. Refrigerated trucking is available for
        •  Ship your gift to each client on the list                              Pricing: Prices are effective September 1, 2022   larger shipments.
        •  Email your tracking information on all shipments                       through December 31, 2022 and are subject   Stock Collection: See our collection of
                                                                                  to change without notice. All prices in CND   Ready-to-Ship products at
      Call for pricing and details.                                               dollars. Visit our website for U.S. pricing.

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