Page 223 - Fashion-Biz_2023
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We’re proud our commitment to sourcing ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
products and services in an ethically responsible FOR THE BETTER.
manner. We consider the welfare of workers, health SHIRTS
and safety and potential environmental impacts. As well as our ethical & social policies,
Fashion Biz aims to change the culture
Our Ethical Sourcing Policy is primarily based of business to design more sustainable
on conducting business ethically, manufacturing packaging, increase recycling rates and
responsibly and demonstrating environmental minimise packaging consumption to reduce
consciousness. our domestic environmental impact. BIZ SEPARATES
We choose our partners carefully with factories We continue to review all our plastic
across Asia, who must adhere to international packaging procedures to reduce, reuse or
manufacturing standards, these may include: recycle wherever we possibly can.
You can find out more about our BIZ CORPORATES
Ethical Trade Initiative Environmental journey, Corporate
Base Code (ETI)
Responsibilities & Accreditations by visiting
our company website:
Ethically Correct Certified
Company SA 8000 KNITWEAR
Business Social Compliance
Initiative (BSCI)
Supplier Ethical Data Exchange
Worldwide Responsible Accredited
Production (WRAP) Our new Biz Eco™ apparel has been
made with environmental mindfulness
Textile Exchange’s Global and forms part of our greater goal ACTIVEWEAR
Recycled Standard (GRS) towards responsible manufacturing
throughout our supply chain.
We’re making it a priority to change our product life When sourcing materials we aim
cycle for the better. That means growing a better to utilise recycled or sustainable
future for both our customers and the planet. JACKETS
materials that have a lower impact
on the environment, promote better
manufacturing and recycling practices.
Whenever you see the Biz Eco™
symbol, you know this style is APRONS
responsibly made.
None of the images in this catalogue may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Colours are reproduced as closely as printing allows. INDEX