Page 22 - TPA Journal September October 2022
P. 22
Chief Glen H. McLaughlin (1914-2007) began his career in Law
Enforcement in 1939, as a chemist in the Crime Lab at the Texas Department
of Public Safety. He retired from DPS in 1977 as the Chief of the
Administration Division. Glen joined the Texas Police Association in 1940
and served (without pay) as the Executive Director from 1960 until 1988.
He championed the State Law that created the Texas Commission on Law
Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE, now TCOLE) and
served as Chairman of that Commission from 1965-1973.
Recognized nationally as a leader, teacher, lecturer, author, and mentor, Glen was considered
by many to be the “Dean of Texas Law Enforcement Education and Training.” His lifelong
commitment to law enforcement education and training, and the pursuit of excellence are in
keeping with the highest traditions of the Law Enforcement Profession.
The TPA Glen H. McLaughlin Memorial Foundation was established in his honor to provide
training scholarships to law enforcement officers who otherwise might be financially unable to
attend a particular training program. We are asking for a contribution of $10.00 from each
member to further this important endeavor. The Texas Police Association is a tax-exempt, 501
(c) 3 organization and your contribution to this Fund is tax-exempt. Please complete and return
this form with your payment so we can provide you with a tax letter for your contribution.
We appreciate your support!
Name of Donor:
City: State: Zip:
E-Mail Address:
(For Tax Exempt Letter to be Emailed.)
Contact Phone Number:
Enclosed is my donation for the Texas Police Association in the amount of:
$10.00 Other $
Contact the TPA Office if you would like to make this payment by credit card.
($10.00 minimum payment. Credit card fees will apply.) Phone (512) 458-3140
Make checks payable to: TPA Foundation
Mail form and check to: Texas Police Association, P. O. Box 4247, Austin, Texas 78765-4247
18 • (512) 458-3140 Texas Police Journal