Page 17 - TPA Journal July August 2022
P. 17
Glen H. McLaughlin Scholarship Recipient
Sergeant Elizabeth Villarreal Arbogast
UT System El Paso Police Department
Pictured left to right: Suzy McLaughlin, Daughter of Glen H. McLaughlin, Nicholas Leal,
Great-Grandson of Glen H. McLaughlin, and Sergeant Elizabeth Villarreal Arbogast of the
UT System El Paso Police Department and Recipient of Scholarship, Vice President Micki Lintz,
and Foundation Chair E. C. “Joey” Sherman.
Glen H. McLaughlin served as the Executive Director of the Texas Police Association from 1960 until
1988. He had a distinguished career of service with the Department of Public Safety and
championed the State Law that created the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards
and Education (TCLEOSE, now TCOLE). In his honor, the Texas Police Association created the Glen
H. McLaughlin Memorial Foundation to provide training scholarships to law enforcement officers
who otherwise might be financially unable to attend a particular training program offered by the
Sergeant Elizabeth Villarreal-Arbogast, from the UT System El Paso Police Department, is the
recipient of the Scholarship from this Foundation. She has currently served this agency for 12 years
and 8 months. She applied to attend the 122nd TPA Annual Training Conference that was held in
Round Rock, Texas, May 31 – June 2, 2022, which she was approved unanimously by theTPA
Executive Committee.
July - August 2022 • (512) 458-3140 13