Page 12 - TPA Journal January February 2023
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2 20 02 23 3a a L La aw w E En nf fo or rc ce em me en nt t
L Le ea ad de er rs sh hi ip p C Co on nf fe er re en nc ce e
March 5 – 10, 2023
Mayan Ranch, Bandera, Texas
Register Here
Dear Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leaders:
The Texas Police Association is pleased to announce the 158 Session of our “Law Enforcement
Leadership Conference” at the Mayan Ranch in Bandera, Texas. The Conference will begin at 1:00
p.m. Sunday, March 5 , and will conclude at 12:00 noon, Friday, March 10 , 2023.
Topics presented and discussed will include: Frontline Leadership (Management by Leadership);
Liability Issues for Law Enforcement Managers, (including Legal Aspects of Employee Disciplinary
Procedures); PIO Training; Leadership, Motivation and Development, Recognition and Response to
the Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Community, Character Driven Success; and other
subjects. Individual presentations, with a lot of class participation, are the standard for instruction.
Participation in the Conference is encouraged for those in Leadership roles including
administrative, management, supervisory, or advisory positions in any Law Enforcement or
Public Safety Agency. Space is limited, and due to the popularity of this program, registrations will
be confirmed on a first received basis.
The total cost for the entire program including 5 nights lodging, 3 home-cooked meals per day,
refreshments, and 40 hours of high-quality training for only $950.00 for TPA Members and
$1,000.00 for Non-TPA Members. You may register on-line or by using the attached registration
form. To register online, you may use the “Register Here” on this form as well as on the registration
form. Please contact our office if invoicing is needed. Credit Cards (American Express, Discover,
Master Card, & Visa) are accepted. Please note – Those using credit card payments for
registration fees will be additionally charged the credit card processing fees. Invoicing is
available if needed. Travel expenses to and from Bandera are the responsibility of the individual
or his/her agency.
Forty (40) TCOLE credit hours of training will be given to those who complete the Conference.
Request for a refund of the registration fee cannot be considered after March 1 , 2023.