Page 28 - TPA Journal January February 2023
P. 28

the person’s decision to cross our           sisted of questioning by CBP agents, a search of
                national boundary.                           Tenorio’s vehicle, a canine sniff of his vehicle and
                                                             person, a weapons frisk, and an eventual request
                “Non-routine” border searches, on            that Tenorio lift his leg. These ordinary investiga-
                the other hand, are more intrusive           tive measures are, individually and collectively, a
                and require a particularized reason-         far cry from “cavity searches, strip searches, . . . x-
                able suspicion before a search can           rays” and other “objectively intrusive searches”
                be conducted. Non-routine search-            that “invade the ‘privacy and dignity of the indi-
                es include body cavity searches,             vidual.’”  Tenorio’s detention did not exceed the
                strip searches, and x-rays.  These           bounds of routine border searches and therefore
                types of objectively intrusive               did not require reasonable suspicion.
                searches would likely cause any
                person significant embarrassment,            Finally, we do not address the constitutionality of
                and invade the privacy and dignity           the search of Tenorio’s cell phones. The district
                of the individual.                           court made a finding, which Tenorio does not dis-
                                                             pute on appeal, that Agent Conner did not use any
        Here, Tenorio first argues that the canine sniff of  information from the phone search before or dur-
        his person required reasonable suspicion. It did     ing his interview with Tenorio. And the parties’
        not.  The record indicates that the dog sniffed      stipulation of facts for Tenorio’s trial includes no
        around Tenorio’s vehicle and person and gave a       evidence from the cell-phone search. Accordingly,
        positive alert to  Tenorio’s boot. As the court in   there is no evidence to be suppressed.
        Kelly explained, “a canine sniff, even one involv-   The district court did not err in denying Tenorio’s
        ing some bodily contact, is no more intrusive than   suppression motion. Tenorio’s conviction and sen-
        a frisk or a pat-down, both of which clearly quali-  tence are AFFIRMED.
        fy as routine border searches.”  The canine sniff
        here was a routine border search and therefore did   U.S. v. Tenorio, No. 21-50989, 5 th  Cir., 2022.
        not require individualized suspicion.   Tenorio’s    ****************************************
        first argument lacks merit.                          *********************************

        Tenorio’s second argument fails for similar rea-
        sons. He contends that his detention was unconsti-
        tutionally prolonged and amounted to a nonrou-       ELEMENTS, EVIDENCE SUFFICIENCY
        tine border search, requiring reasonable suspicion.  – tampering with evidence.
        But the length and circumstances of  Tenorio’s
        detention were consistent with a routine border      Sholomo David,  Appellant, was indicted for
        search. The secondary search lasted approximate-     felony tampering with physical evidence, a third-
        ly ten minutes and  Tenorio’s second argument        degree felony.  The State’s theories were that
        fails for similar reasons. He contends that his      Appellant “altered,” “concealed,” or “destroyed”
        detention was unconstitutionally prolonged and       marijuana when he dumped it into a toilet contain-
        amounted to a nonroutine border search, requiring    ing water and human waste during a police raid of
        reasonable suspicion. But the length and circum-     the motel room he was in.   The jury convicted
        stances of  Tenorio’s detention were consistent      Appellant and sentenced him to 30 years’ confine-
        with a routine border search.  The secondary         ment as a habitual offender. Appellant appealed
        search lasted approximately ten minutes and con-     and argued among other things that the evidence is

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