Page 34 - TPA Journal March April 2019
P. 34



                                        Texas Police Association Training Courses

                                 Texas Police Association offers advanced training to law enforcement, and Government agencies. Offering
                                 a variety of flexible and innovative training formats,
                                 Texas Police Association can meet the individual needs of students, instructors and
                                 other institutional support personnel through hands-on instruction and active class participation.

                                 Each of the courses begin in the classroom, assessing student capabilities, and ultimately moves to
                                 practical live exercises.

                                   Courses Offered:
                                  Supervisor / Leader / Professional Development   Officer Safety / Tactics

                                    - Management by Leadership                - Combat Fitness
                                    - First Line Supervisor                   - Arrest and Control - Use of Force
                                    - Ethical leadership                      - Defensive / Arrest and Control Tactics
                                    - Crisis and Consequence Management       - Edged Weapons Dynamics and Defense
                                    - Effective Communication                 - Officer Street Survival
                                    - Professional Conduct and Customer Service   - Terrorism, Gangs and School Safety
                                                                              - Weapon Retention
                                  Criminal Investigator                       - Ground Escape Tactics
                                                                              - Improvised Weaponry
                                    - Statement Analysis                      - Tactical Rifle Course
                                    - Criminal Interview and Interrogation (Basic)   - Tactical Handgun Course
                                    - Cyber Crime Investigations (Introduction)   - Police Cyber Counter Surveillance
                                    - Criminal Intelligence Analysis          - Combat Medical Training
                                    - Financial Manipulation Analysis         - Handcuffing
                                    - Police Photography                      - OC Pepper Spray Certification
                                    - Techniques of Developing Latent Prints   - Baton tactics Training
                                    - Latent Print Comparison                 - 'HIHQVLYH 7DFWLFV ,QVWUXFWRUV¶ &RQIHUHQFH
                                    - Advanced Latent Comparison              - Firearms Instructor School
                                    - Arrest, Search and Seizure              - Handgun Retention /Disarming Tactics
                                    - Basic Blood Stain Pattern Analysis      - Use of Drone for Accident Investigation
                                    - Advanced Blood Stain Pattern Analysis Level   - Covert Operations Survival Training
                                    - Blood Bullets & More

       PROFESSIONALISM IN           - Terrorism, Gangs and School Safety
                                    - Fingerprint Comparison (Basic)

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