Page 15 - TPA Journal March April 2022
P. 15

                                               Micki Lintz

                                                  Region 4

        As March comes to a close, I wanted to take a        Kintsugi is a Japanese art form of repairing a
        moment to recognize our  Women in Law                broken piece of pottery so that the original
        Enforcement, and the daily contributions each        article is whole again. Often, the repair is done
        make to our profession.  Women's History             with epoxies and precious metals, causing the
        Month is a time to reflect, commemorate and          resulting piece to be more substantial and
        encourage those women that touch our lives.          valuable due to the materials used, the time to
        This year's theme is most fittingly women            repair, and its uniqueness.
        "Providing healing and promoting hope."              Kintsugi can also refer to the philosophy of a
        We often take for granted the lessons taught as      person having gone through hardships, having
        children, our cultural influence, and life in        scars where the wounds once were, and being
        general. Regardless of an individual's               stronger and more resilient because of these
        circumstance, we each have had an                    victories.
        experience that has shaped our lives. It only
        takes one person to make that difference and         I see the truth in this lesson every day in the
        positively influence the direction of many. For      women I gratefully work with. We share this
        me, I have been blessed by several.                  trait of picking up the broken pieces and
                                                             making them complete again. It is what makes
        I was asked why I chose this career path, even       us exceptional, why the oath of our badge
        after joking, "I needed a job" the truth is          carries heavily in our hearts.
        because one woman, an El Paso Police
        Department      officer,   showed      me    the     Administrative policies and hiring practices
        importance of not giving up and facing               have changed for the better in the last thirty
        challenges through difficult times. Years later, I   years, but we still encounter adversity in many
        graduated as Valedictorian of the El Paso Police     of our law enforcement careers. As leaders, we
        Department, one of the first women to do so.         aim to foster and encourage an environment
        All because one person took the time to              free of these struggles and promote
        encourage another. She saw something in me           mechanisms that help other officers overcome
        that I could not see; her words and brutal           these difficulties. Even though this is one of the
        honesty set me on this path. Upon graduating,        most challenging times to be a police officer, I
        her reply to me was effectively, "Remember the       ask you to consider this idea as you approach
        oath and always care."  Officer Candace              the arduous tasks ahead. May the Lord guide
        Martinez left this world too early, but her          your actions. Take delight in what you have,
        strength and beauty touched all those who            look for areas of improvement, and seek to be
        knew her.                                            more resilient. Embrace the fight, the tears, and
                                                             the scars that have made you stronger. Always

        March-April 2022 • (512) 458-3140                         11
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