Page 32 - TPA Journal March April 2022
P. 32

TPA Partners with U.S. Law Shield

           Members, Law Enforcement members of the Texas Police Association may
                   purchase Legal Representation Insurance at a discounted rate.

         Unlike other associations, USLS attorneys are not contracted, provided,
           controlled, paid, or employed by TPA.  USLS attorneys work for their
           members, with the primary goal being focused, comprehensive, and

               independent legal coverage for you, the member and customer!
                USLS representatives do not concern themselves with rank or

                       a member’s position in their Department’s hierarchy,
                  and they do not involve themselves in Department politics;

               their individual customer is their mission and their objective is
                providing you the best legal defense representation available.

                 For information on our special TPA discount pricing,


                                      USLS Sales Executive

                            Missi Goodson (817) 946-6483.

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