Page 27 - November December 2019 TPA Journal
P. 27

Joe C. Tooley, Legal Digest Editor
                         Joe C. Tooley, Attorneys & Counselors, Rockwall, Texas


                                    LEGAL DIGEST

                                November/December 2019

       AUTHOR’S NOTE:  It is the goal of this submission to extract those portions of relevant appellate
       opinions or the syllabus of the legal reporter which bear directly upon law enforcement methods
       and provide guidance for officers on an operational level. Much of the information pertaining to
       these cases is lifted verbatim from the court opinion or syllabus with independent analysis inserted
       as appropriate.  Due to clarity for training purposes, the distinction between quotes from the
       opinions and inserted analysis is not always identified and legal citations within the opinion are
       often omitted.  Emphasis is placed upon reported decisions from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
       and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

        SEARCH & SEIZURE:   SEARCH & SEIZURE                 a breath test. In such cases, we hold, the
        – BLOOD DRAW (U.S. Supreme Court)                    exigentcircumstances rule almost always permits a
                                                             blood test without a warrant.  When a breath test is
        In this case, we return to a topic that we have      impossible, enforcement of the drunk-driving laws
        addressed twice in recent years: the circumstances   depends upon the administration of a blood test.
        under which a police officer may administer a        And when a police officer encounters an
        warrantless blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test   unconscious driver, it is very likely that the driver
        to a motorist who appears to have been driving       would be taken to an emergency room and that his
        under the influence of alcohol.                      blood would be drawn for diagnostic purposes even
                                                             if the police were not seeking BAC information. In
         We have previously addressed what officers may
                                                             addition, police officers most frequently come upon
        do in two broad categories of cases.  First, an officer
                                                             unconscious drivers when they report to the scene of
        may conduct a BAC test if the facts of a particular
                                                             an accident, and under those circumstances, the
        case bring it within the exigent-circumstances       officers’ many responsibilities—such as attending
        exception to the Fourth  Amendment’s general         to other injured drivers or passengers and
        requirement of a warrant. Second, if an officer has
                                                             preventing further accidents—may be incompatible
        probable cause to arrest a motorist for drunk
                                                             with the procedures that would be required to obtain
        driving, the officer may conduct a breath test (but
                                                             a warrant. Thus, when a driver is unconscious, the
        not a blood test) under the rule allowing warrantless  general rule is that a warrant is not needed.
        searches of a person incident to arrest. Today, we
        consider what police officers may do in a narrow     Today, “all States have laws that prohibit motorists
        but important category of cases: those in which the  from driving with a [BAC] that exceeds a specified
        driver is unconscious and therefore cannot be given  level.”  And to help enforce BAC limits, every State

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