Page 3 - November December 2019 TPA Journal
P. 3
Vol. 67 November/December 2019 No. 6
Dwight Mathis, President Major Ben Urbanczyk, 4th VP
Texas DPS, Region 7 Texas DPS, Region 6
Chief Greg Minton, 1st VP Major Michael Bradberry, 5th VP
Leander PD Texas DPS, Region 1
Chief Danny Barton, 2nd VP Chief Felix Sauceda, Sergeant at Arms
Founded March 6, 1895 Coppell PD Brownsville PD
TPA General Counsel
Captain Mike Davis, 3rd VP
Texas Police Association offices: Shavanno Park PD Joe Tooley
314 East Highland Mall Blvd., Suite 402
Board Appointment:
Austin, Texas 78752
Tel. (512) 458-3140 Region 1 Paul Thompson. West Rusk ISD PD
Jack Lanier, New London PD Reserve Annual Conference Committee
Fax (512) 458-1799 Scott Lewis, GM, City of Longview Transit Paul Thompson, West Rusk ISD PD
P. O. Box 4247, Austin, Texas 78765 Clifford Fausset, Texas Woman's Univ DPS
Mike Bullock Legislative Committee
Joe C. Hall, East Texas Baptist Univ David Baker, Texas DPS, Retired
Editorial/Publication offices:
Jerry Francis, Bartonville PD
Same as above.
Marketing Region 2 Danny Barton
Solomon Cook, Humble ISD PD
Editor Gary Duncan, Lamar Univ Retired Membership
Robbie Sells Ben Urbanczyk
Erwin Ballarta
Region 3 Nominating Committee
Sam Garrison, Texas Woman’s Univ DPS–
Associate Editor Jose Guerra, Hidalgo Co SO Chair and Past Presidents
Ramona Krieg Region 4 Publications and Journal
Micki Lintz, UT System Police - El Paso
Keith Fletcher – Chair
Legal Digest Editor Region 5 Joe Tooley
Joe Tooley Wade Ford, Texas DPS Retired Resolutions
Marvin Trejo, Dumas Police Dept R. V. Stephens, Prairie View A & M PD,
This publication assumes no responsibility
Region 6
for statements made by contributors in Bob Christy, AACOG Retired Social Media
signed articles. Texas Police Journal is not James DeBrow, III, Texas DPS Retired Greg Minton
operated for pecuniary gain. Thomas Prado, Bell County Constable
Technology Committee
Region 7 Erwin Ballarta, TPA/DPS, Retired
Articles in this magazine may be reprinted
provided due credit is given to the Training Committee
Texas Police Journal. Chaplain Danny Barton, Co-Chair
Dwight Mathis, Co-Chair
Rick Adams
Audit Committee
Keith Fletcher – ChairGregg Co DA Office
Sam Garrison, Texas Woman’s Univ DPS
E. C. “Joey” Sherman, TPA (retired)