Page 19 - TPA Journal January - February 2019
P. 19

                                   Annual Training Conference ± June 24 ± 26, 2019
                                             Hilton Garden Inn Longview Hotel
                                                 Longview, Texas  75605
                                           Hotel Reservations ± (903) 212-3000

                Name (As  to  appear  on  Name  Badge):



                City                                          State    Zip

                Contact Phone                          E-Mail

                                  Pre-Registrations are full payments received on or before May 27, 2019.

                             REGISTRATION       PRE-REGISTRATION          LATE & ON SITE     TOTAL
                Member                          $150.00                   $200.00

                Retired Member                  $75.00                    $125.00

                Spouse/Personal Guest           $50.00                    $50.00

                      Name (As  to  appear  on  Name  Badge)

                Non-Member or Guest             $200.00                    $250.00

                      Name (As  to  appear  on  Name  Badge)

                Youth (12 & Over)               $50.00                    $50.00

                      Name (As  to  appear  on  Name  Badge)

                Child 7 ±  12                   $25.00                    $25.00
                Child 6 ± Under Free
                      Name (As  to  appear  on  Name  Badge)

                Total Number of Adults that will attending the Banquet on Wednesday, June 26 , 2019.

                TPA Membership Dues
                      Active                    $30.00
                      Associate                 $50.00

                                                       TOTAL  AMOUNT  DUE

                 Make Checks Payable and mail to:               If  you would like to prepay using  American Express,
                 Texas Police Association                       Discover, MasterCard, or Visa, fax this completed form
                 P O Box 4247                                   to (512) 458-1799.
                 Austin, TX  78765-4247

                                 American Express       Discover            MasterCard         Visa

                       Name  (on  card):

                       Card  Number:                                 Exp. Date:         Sec. Code

                 Signature:                                          7RGD\¶V 'DWH

                 Please List Special Assistance/Dietary  Needs

                                          Refunds will not be made after May 27, 2019.

        Jan./Feb. 2019  •  866-997-8282                          15
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