Page 38 - TPA Journal January February 2022
P. 38

Although the totality of the circumstances suggest   doctor while Lee, a nurse by training, was the
        that Bass was not free to leave, his restraint had not  clinic’s office manager.  An Eastern District of
        yet reached the level necessary to necessitate       Texas grand jury indicted the couple for conspiring
        Miranda warnings. We affirm the district court’s     to distribute controlled substances. The indictment
        denial of Bass’s motion to suppress his voluntarily  alleged that from 2010 through early 2012, Taylor
        given statements made prior to being in custody.     and Lee conspired to illegally prescribe five
                                                             controlled substances: oxycodone, amphetamine
        (Discussion of whether the sentencing guidelines     salts, hydrocodone, alprazolam, and promethazine
        were properly applied is omitted. Ed.)               with codeine.

        For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the district    A jury convicted both of them after a seven-day
        court’s denial of the motion to suppress and find    trial. It also made findings about the quantity of
        the district court did not err in the application of the  drugs the couple distributed, but those quantities
        ACCA and firearm enhancements at sentencing.         did not trigger higher statutory minimum or
                                                             maximum sentences.
        U.S. v Bass, 5th Cir. No. 20-10588, May 11th,
        2021.                                                See 21 U.S.C. § 841(b)(1)(C). The district court
        ****************************************             then sentenced  Taylor to the 20-year statutory
        ****************************                         maximum (his Guidelines range would have been
                                                             higher but for the statutory cap) and Lee to just over
                                                             15 years.
        EVIDENCE & ELEMENTS – Pill Mill
                                                             Taylor and Lee challenge the sufficiency of the
        The prosecution of a medical clinic outside Dallas   evidence, contend that they were convicted in an
        offers a window into the prescription drug           improper venue, and argue that three errors infected
        epidemic that is plaguing America. At trial, the     the trial: premature jury deliberation, unreliable
        parties told a tale of two clinics. The government   expert testimony, and a deliberate ignorance
        described a pill mill that prescribed patients more  instruction. They also appeal their sentences. We
        than a million doses of abusable drugs in just two   start with the defendants’ claim that there was not
        years. The defense described a pain management       enough evidence to convict them. They moved for
        clinic that helped people who appeared to suffer     acquittal at the end of trial, so we review their
        from chronic pain.  A jury agreed with the           sufficiency appeal de novo.  That means we do not
        government’s account and found the clinic’s doctor   give deference to the district court’s ruling denying
        and office manager guilty of conspiring to           the motion. But, like the district judge, we give
        distribute controlled substances.  We consider a     great deference to the jury’s factfinding role,
        number of challenges to the convictions and          viewing the evidence and drawing all inferences in
        sentences.                                           favor of its verdict.
                                                             Because  Taylor was a doctor with prescribing
        Theodore “Tad”  Taylor and Chia Jean Lee, a          authority, he and Lee could distribute controlled
        married couple who met while earning their           substances as long as they did so for a legitimate
        degrees at  Yale, ran  Taylor  Texas Medicine in     medical purpose and within the scope of
        Richardson, Texas. Taylor was the clinic’s only      professional practice.  Thus, when a conspirator has

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