Page 6 - TPA Journal July August 2021
P. 6

reflected the word I felt in my heart and that’s “service”.
                Former President Dwight Mathis’ theme was “Responsibility and Dedication to Serving Others”.
                How true to what we do today!

                If you break down the basics of what we do as law enforcement officers, its pretty simple we serve
                and protect.  But if you break down those words to their “actions”, you know what of the two:
                Protection is easy. We are told to keep something safe and we can do that.
                But Service, that’s a bit harder to do.  Service is an action word that you have to WANT to do. Even
                on our worst days or in worse times, Service or how we serve is always at the front.

                As an Association, we must be mentally ready to take all of the challenges we are facing today and
                those unmet challenges we will face tomorrow with a servants’ heart and mindset.

                So, with that, I am “Ready to Serve”, you as your President in making TPA an Association that will
                make training a top priority across this great State.

                I want to recognize Captain Jerald Jolley would was able to be here with us this evening.

                I hope you have enjoyed the past few days here in College Station, Texas.

                We will now be moving into the Business portion of our Banquet.

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