Page 30 - TPA Journal Sept Oct 2021
P. 30

Joe C. Tooley, Legal Digest Editor
                         Joe C. Tooley, Attorneys & Counselors, Rockwall, Texas


                                    LEGAL DIGEST

                                  September-October 2021

       AUTHOR’S NOTE:  It is the goal of this submission to extract those portions of relevant appellate
       opinions or the syllabus of the legal reporter which bear directly upon law enforcement methods
       and provide guidance for officers on an operational level. Much of the information pertaining to
       these cases is lifted verbatim from the court opinion or syllabus with independent analysis inserted
       as appropriate.  Due to clarity for training purposes, the distinction between quotes from the
       opinions and inserted analysis is not always identified and legal citations within the opinion are
       often omitted.  Emphasis is placed upon reported decisions from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
       and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

        JAIL CASE.    ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES                remedies as are available are exhausted.”  The
        REQUIRED?                                            defendants submitted Gilliam’s administrative remedy
                                                             records and the jail’s grievance plan, among other
        Tacorey Gilliam, Texas prisoner # 02095241, filed a 42  records, which support a determination that Gilliam did
        U.S.C. § 1983 civil rights complaint alleging numerous  not proceed beyond the first step of the three-step
        claims, including deliberate indifference to his health  administrative remedy procedure. Gilliam has neither
        and safety, negligence, cruel and unusual punishment,  produced competent summary judgment evidence
        retaliation, failure to investigate, and excessive use of  showing that he proceeded to the second and third step
        force.                                               of the grievance process nor challenged the veracity or
                                                             reliability of these records.
        The district court granted the defendants’ motion for
        summary judgment and dismissed the suit because      Gilliam has therefore failed to show that there is a
        Gilliam had failed to exhaust his available          genuine issue of material fact as to whether he
        administrative remedies, and Gilliam appeals. Although    proceeded to step two and three of the grievance
        appointment of counsel, he has not made the required  process. Gilliam’s conclusory assertions that he
        showing.                                             “attempted to exhaust” his administrative remedies, that
                                                             he was unaware prefiling exhaustion was mandatory,
        We review the district court’s grant of summary      and that there was a lack of grievance forms do not
        judgment in this case de novo.                       entitle him to relief. The district court did not err by
                                                             granting summary judgment.
        “[n]o action shall be brought with respect to prison
        conditions under section 1983 of this title, or any other  Gilliam v. Anderson Co. Sheriff Dept.,  No. 19-40834,
        Federal law, by a prisoner confined in any jail, prison, or  5th Cir., Oct. 18th, 2020.
        other correctional facility until such administrative  ********************************************

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