Page 31 - TPA Journal November-December 2018
P. 31

After being charged, defendants filed a joint        pickup spot. He had made three other arrests there
        motion to suppress. After a hearing, the magistrate  in the previous two weeks and knew of several
        judge issued a recommendation to deny the            more by other officers.
        motion, which the district court adopted.            When combined with other factors, it also
                                                             contributes to the reasonable-suspicion analysis
        For reasonable suspicion to stop a vehicle while     that it was midnight.  The only usual traffic at that
        on roving patrol, an agent must be “aware of
                                                             time of night is local ranch vehicles, and McLain,
        specific articulable facts, together with rational   though admitting he did not know every local
        inferences from those facts, that reasonably
                                                             vehicle, did not recognize the Chrysler.  And a
        warrant suspicion that the vehicle’s occupant is
                                                             sedan stood out from the typical truck or SUV
        engaged in criminal activity.”  The district court   used by ranchers.
        found this test satisfied, as do we.
                                                             Further, the driver was going well below the
        In United States v. Brignoni-Ponce, 422 U.S. 873,    posted speed limit, was tap-ping the brakes as
        884−85 (1975), the Court outlined factors to
                                                             though lost or searching for something along the
        consider for reasonable suspicion. This circuit has
                                                             road, pulled over at a known pickup point, and
        distilled from that case several relevant            looked into the distance.  Then, when McLain
        considerations, including
                                                             again saw the vehicle a short time later, numerous
                                                             additional passengers had appeared.  The first
        (1) the area’s proximity to the border; (2) the
                                                             factor of proximity to the border is not satisfied,
        characteristics of the area; (3) usual traffic
                                                             but its absence is outweighed by the presence of
        patterns; (4) the agents’ experience in detecting    other articulable facts that, together, adequately
        illegal activity; (5) the driver’s behavior; (6) the
                                                             support reasonable suspicion.  Moreover, as
        aspects or characteristics of the vehicle; (7)       noted, the hiking distance from the border was
        information about recent illegal trafficking of
                                                             only twenty-five miles.
        aliens or narcotics in the area; and (8) the number
        of passengers and their appearance and behavior.     Although many of the individual factors here may
                                                             be innocent enough when seen in isolation, we are
        Instead of looking at the factors as a checklist, we
                                                             satisfied, viewing the totality of the circum-
        examine the “totality of the circumstances” to see   stances in the light most favorable to the
        whether the agent had a “particularized and
                                                             government, that the stop was sup-ported by
        objective basis” for his suspicion. He is permitted
                                                             reasonable suspicion.
        to “draw on [his] own experience and specialized
        training to make inferences from and deductions      U.S. v. Robles-Avalos, No. 17-51037, 5   th  Cir.,
        about the cumulative information available to        July 12, 2018.
        [him] that ‘might well elude an untrained
        person.’”                                            ***************************************
        The totality of the circumstances supports the
        denial of the motion to suppress. When a route is    AGG. ASSAULT – ELEMENTS
        commonly known to be used for smuggling, that
                                                             Robert Rodriguez assaulted a man, shattering the
        weighs in favor of reasonable suspicion.  McLain
                                                             victim’s knee and causing him serious bodily
        testified that, having patrolled the relevant area for
                                                             injury. Rodriguez contends that, while he intended
        eight years, he knew that the stretch of Highway
                                                             to cause some bodily injury to the victim, he did
        90 near the aerostat balloon is a frequently used
                                                             not honestly believe that his actions would result

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