Page 74 - March April 2020 TPA
P. 74

an instruction on any defensive issue that is raised  Royal met them at the door, squeezed Appellant’s
        by the evidence. A defensive issue is raised by the  hand “pretty intently,” and told Appellant not to
        evidence if there is sufficient evidence to support a  speak to  Varley. Royal was much larger than
        rational jury finding as to each element of the      Appellant, and  Appellant found him to be
        defense. We view the evidence in the light  most     intimidating.
        favorable to the defendant’s requested defensive     Appellant assured Royal they were just there to eat
        instruction. A trial court errs to refuse a self-    and were not planning to talk to Varley. Since
        defense instruction if there is some evidence,       Varley and her friends were in the bar, Appellant
        viewed in the light most favorable to the defendant,  and Bryan sat in the main dining area.
        that will support its elements.                      Nevertheless, Prichard approached their table
        When the evidence viewed from the defendant’s        “with a pretty aggressive nature” and exchanged
        standpoint shows an attack or threatened attack by   words with them. Bryan noticed that Prichard
        more than one assailant, the defendant is entitled   exhibited signs of intoxication. Varley approached
        to a multiple assailants instruction. The issue may  them, too, and called Appellant an “asshole.” After
        be raised even as to those who are not themselves    these interactions, Appellant and Bryan thought “it
        aggressors as long as they seem to be in any way     would be a bad idea to stick around too long” and
        encouraging, aiding, or advising the aggressor.      decided to pay their tab and leave quickly rather
        In Sanders v. State, Sanders was hit in the head     than eat at Silver Star.
        with a pool cue and chased into the parking lot by   When Appellant and Bryan exited the restaurant,
        several men who were yelling racial epithets at      they found Varley, Royal, Prichard, Stevenson, and
        him. He fired three shots in their direction, killing  Crumpton congregated near the door. According to
        one of them. Sanders was entitled to a multiple      Varley, Royal was intoxicated and upset at
        assailants instruction even though the deceased had  Appellant. She knew that Royal was going to try to
        not personally attacked him.  Thus, “multiple        attack Appellant and, concerned for Appellant’s
        assailants” does not require evidence that each      safety, Varley approached him and told him he
        person defended against was an aggressor in his      needed to leave. Crumpton testified that the group
        own right; it requires evidence that the defendant   was “mouthing” at Appellant and Bryan; Prichard
        had a reasonable fear of serious bodily injury from  testified that there was an “altercation, a bunch of
        a group of people acting together.                   talking mess, and then it escalated.” According to
                                                             Prichard, the group moved into the parking lot
        Background                                           because “it was heated at the moment.”
        Appellant had packed up his belongings to move       As Appellant and Bryan tried to walk to their car,
        from Texarkana to Broken Bow, Oklahoma. On the       Royal punched Bryan, knocking him out.
        way out of town, he and his friend, Cody Bryan,      Appellant saw Royal, Crumpton, and Prichard
        stopped at the Silver Star restaurant where          standing over Bryan and saw Royal motion for
        Appellant’s ex-girlfriend, Summer Varley, worked     Stevenson to go around the cars to chase Appellant
        as a waitress. He texted her to see if she was       down. Appellant continued to retreat with Royal
        working that evening, and she answered that she      and Stevenson in pursuit of him. Crumpton and
        was not. She said she was in the bar drinking with   Varley also followed Royal into the parking lot.
        some friends and suggested that Appellant buy her    Varley testified that “everyone was going after
        a drink. Varley’s drinking companions were Jordan    [Appellant]” and agreed that there were multiple
        Royal, Austin Crumpton, Damon Prichard, and          assailants on Appellant and Bryan.
        Joshua Stevenson.                                    Appellant said a hand reached around his face,
        When Appellant and Bryan arrived at Silver Star,     “fish-hooked” his eye, and turned

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