Page 5 - 2 Nurul Eilmy
P. 5

        Heterogen eity       of  rock   mass    cau ses                                                        The   issu e   of  hard  mass
        great   chal l en ges   an d   difficu l ties  in                                           4          characteristics      n eeds    to  be  given
        pe8ormin g       su 8ace    excavation
                                                                                                               a<en tion     becau se     it  can  l ead  to
                                                                                                               disaster    an d   cau se   fail u re  if  n ot
       Weatherin g       profil e  of  rock
                                                                                                               u n derstood      an d  deal t  with
       masses     in  tropical l y  weathered
                                                                                                               properl y,   even    for  stron g   rocks
                                                      2                                                        su ch   as  gran ite.
       rock   especial l y   can   be  variabl e,
       u n predictabl e     an d  can   be

       predomin an t      in  con trol l in g  the
                                                                                                               Weatherin g       factor   in  the  tropical
                          rock.                          .
                                                               3                                               region    al so  affectin g   the
       behaviou r     of
                                                                                                               pe8orman ce         of  gran ite  as  on e   of
                                                                                                               the   stron gest    an d  most    du rabl e
                 Others    –  occu rren ce    of  bou l ders   an d   presen ce     of  coreston es,
                 which    compl icate      the  weatherin g      profil e  (distin ctive
                                                                             cl imate)
                 prope:ies      of  gran itic   rock  mass     in  tropical

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