Page 6 - NextGen - 2021 - Prayer and Fasting PRIMER
P. 6

grilled tofu


           Satan is waging war in our lives on a daily basis .  You can see the carnage thru broken rela-
           tionships, destructive behavior, business, habits, hang-ups and so much more .  But more

           often than not I believe Satan is tranquilizing churches and Christ-Followers and causing
           them to live lukewarm, mediocre, passionless lives . When we look around our world all

           and see all of the problems we ask, WHY?

           The Bible clearly teaches that there is a pattern to repentance and revival .  2 Chronicles
           7:14 says, “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and
           seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive

           their sin and will heal their land.”

           So many in our culture are closing their hearts to Spirit of the Lord .   Their search for pur-
           pose is more represented in their search for the next cool gadget, or their search for the
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