Page 6 - Nextgen - PRAYER AND FASTING 2021 -
P. 6

grilled tofu

           So many in our culture are closing their hearts to Spirit of the Lord .   Their search for pur-
           pose is more represented in their search for the next cool gadget, or their search for the

           easy, apathetic path that leads to nowhere .   “Death has climbed in through our windows
           and has entered our fortresses.” - Jeremiah 9:21

           We are fasting to ask God to “Give them a heart to Him and return  to Him”  – Jeremiah

           24:7; “For God to put His law in their minds and write it on their hearts”. – Jeremiah 31:33
           – “To be the generation  of those who seek Him, His face, the God of Jacob.” – Psalm –

           24:6 .

           Plain and simple  we are fasting  for a REVIVAL!!! Revival in our hearts, in our church  and

           in our community .
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