Page 10 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience
P. 10

 Academic Seaford
 Kamal Sameer
What do you study at Seaford?
Economics, Business and History A Levels
Why did you choose these subjects?
I enjoy them very much. Business is one of my passions, I enjoy business.
How long have you been at Seaford?
This is my fourth year. I joined in Year 10.
I’m an international student so an agency suggested a few schools. I enjoyed visiting Seaford the most out of the three.
At Seaford I only needed to do a tour, no taster session. I liked how it felt. I just knew it was the school for me. It has a pleasing environment. I knew I could achieve what I wanted to do here. It doesn’t feel like they’re 800 students. The environment is helpful. There’s always the support you need. You pick it up immediately.
How did you find the transition from GCSE to A Levels?
You need to have the right attitude. I’ve been driven doing subjects I’ve wanted to do. It’s a big step. You need to be on the ball or you could struggle. I’m a very driven, ambitious person. I set targets for myself constantly!
I picked subjects I wanted to do and I love them. I like doing them – I read around the subject outside of the classroom.
“Seaford has a friendly atmosphere and improved my confidence. It lets you be who you want to be and allows individual learning.”
Will Morris
2A*s A, reading Biology at Bath

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