Page 9 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience
P. 9

   Ross Donaldson
Advice to others
I have academic ambition so study hard but I also do a lot of extra-curricular activities: rugby (and other sports), singing in the choir & performing arts. You can achieve your best in and outside the classroom, if you use the time given to you. Use your private study time – get the work done and you’ll love the Sixth Form at Seaford.
I love Seaford because.... it accepts all types of people. No matter what you like and no matter what you’re like there’s something here for you. The community is special – you don’t find that at other schools. You can hang out with people from all different years and that’s not seen as odd.
Caelan Stanton
What do you think Seaford’s done for you overall?
I feel like I’ve grown as a person. I’ve matured, not just in age but in attitude which has been Seaford’s doing really. The ethos is completely different from my old school and that is really important. I feel like I needed that change. Luckily I’ve bought into it and come out with good grades last year and hopefully a good set of A Level grades.
What is it about the ethos that you like?
Be the best you can be, it’s about you not everyone else.
I love Seaford because.... it’s just great. It’s a great school, the teachers and students are great. Everything’s just really good about it. It’s all very positive. Our Headmaster, Mr Green is very positive all the time and you feel like you want to be the best that you can be.
Lourdes Velasco-Nicholls
Where does the freedom come from within the structure at Seaford?
You can be individual and we’re respected for that. The fact that I can do the subjects that I want to. I’ve got my free periods now which is great because I can actually focus on what I want. In the Sixth Form at Seaford I get to focus on what I like.
I love Seaford because.... of the confidence it’s given me and the factthatIcanbewhoIam.The freedom that I’m allowed to have is extraordinary.
Seaford's Peer Mentors are trained to offer support to other students.

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