Page 10 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience Booklet
P. 10
Freddie Valmas
What has Seaford done for you?
It’s given me confidence and added to my personality a lot too. There’s lots more things to do and I’m now a more rounded person. I’m able to interact with people better.
What advice would you give to someone joining Seaford?
Get involved with as many things as possible because I did it and it made everything more interesting, more fun and it helps to build your character. I was always encouraged to try everything. Try not to get fixated on one sport; playing all three is just awesome (rugby, hockey and cricket). You have different teachers, different groups, it’s refreshing to have variety. Each term rolls into the next one so it’s really nice to do something different each term.
How did you find the transition from GCSE to A Level?
A big change. It was hard to handle the free time and study periods. You have to manage your time properly and not rely on the structure of the timetable to keep you on track. It’s easy to waste time and not realise it. I enjoy my subjects so I ensure that when I’m in the boarding house I’m working. IworkhardsothatIcanfitinco- curricular activities which are in my down time.
I love Seaford because...
I feel part of something, it’s hard to put into words what that is. I have a strong feeling and attachment to the school. I will miss it when I leave.
James Carter
What has Seaford done for you?
I joined in Year 9 from Westbourne House and I have changed massively. Seaford has widened my friendship group through doing different subjects and activities, especially sport. In Year 9 I was sporty but not outgoing or academic, but with the extra support I’ve had I’m 50:50 sporty/academic. My teachers have been really supportive and I have the right sort of friends around me. My sports routine enables me to take what I’ve learnt on the sports field and use those skills elsewhere, especially into the classroom. I loved sport but lessons were a drag, so I tried to take the love of sport in the classroom and enjoy the lessons more. It has enabled me to be more structured with my time, prepare for deadlines, and complete prep in advance and not just the night before the deadline.
I love Seaford because...
of the culture. I like the culture around sport; sport is a massive part of Seaford. A great win in sport is seen as the same as someone really excelling in the classroom. You can be who you are and want to be.
Matthew George
What was the transition like between GCSE and Sixth Form?
I need to manage an increased work load. I need to be more independent and manage my time. Prep in boarding time is helpful in the evenings – you don’t have to do it all during the day. It’s nice to work with others doing the same subjects – support each other.
“Seaford has given me everything. It’s developed my academic career and I have made life-long friends. Teachers at Seaford have always had faith in me. I love Seaford because it made me.”
Izzy Greenwood
2A* & A
reading Japanese Studies at university