Page 11 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience Booklet
P. 11

 William Heath
Why did you choose Seaford?
Because of its relaxed atmosphere, the school isn’t after results in order to keep its place in the rankings (School League Tables). Seaford is well respected but doesn’t try to project an image like some other schools. You might have one view of Seaford before you join it, but once you’re here you discover that there is so much more.
What do you think about Seaford not being academically selective?
I think it’s good as it gives everyone an equal opportunity. There is something for everyone, from a straight A student to someone who has failed GCSEs. Seaford will support you to get the results and qualifications you need.
Do you think people appreciate this?
I think new students to Seaford from state schools are amazed at what we have to offer, whereas if you’ve been at Seaford for a long time you become used to what is on offer. When I joined in Year 9 I was amazed at all the activities. I was previously at Charterhouse, Stowe, Pangbourne and Shiplake and Seaford is definitely the best school.
What is different about Seaford to other schools?
It’s hard to sum up, it’s a feeling. Seaford is relaxed but still nudges you to do your best and suggests alternatives to stretch you.
What was the transition like between GCSE and Sixth Form?
Not too bad, I prefer A Levels. You have time to go to the Library to work and quiet time without people about, you manage your time. I can now drive in to school from Chichester.
What advice would you give to someone who came to view Seaford?
I joined in Year 9. Immerse yourself as quickly as possible as that’s where you discover all the exciting activities. I do Debating, Land Rover restoration and Current Affairs. You talk to different people who aren’t doing your subject and who are in different year groups. It’s nice to have lots of different friends and people to talk to, it’s a good support group. You might find something to do which you didn’t expect to enjoy but you do! I’m in my final year and I’ve taken up Fencing in Purple Time which I love.
I love Seaford because...
of the opportunities which are available to you and that you didn’t think you’d do. From Clay pigeon shooting on Saturday morning to taking part in the Devizes to Westminster kayaking marathon. You have the freedom to choose.

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