Page 16 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
P. 16

Ella Mitchell
What do you study?
I’m studying Maths, English
Language, History and an EPQ
How has Seaford supported your
Seaford’s given me confidence. I
think that, without the teachers
here, I wouldn’t have necessarily
believed that I could apply
to Oxford. I’m an academic
scholar and when Oxbridge
was suggested to me, I realised
someone else believes in me,
maybe I can do this. The second
thing is the small classes, they
have really helped me to grow
academically and I always feel
What do you like about being an
academic scholar?
I like the scholars programme;
we have sessions where we talk
about a philosophical or ethical
scenario. I really like ethics,
and we’ve discussed some
interesting questions, it’s nice to
be surrounded by similar minded
people. I feel I’m reaching my full
potential here.
What do you feel really
passionate about?
History, I’ve had a string of
amazing teachers. Mr Wilson is
great and brings his subject to life.
His passion for the subject rubs
off on you. They know so much
and want to make you work for
yourself and read more. You want
to share in their passion. It’s similar
in English with Mr Finniear and
Mr Campbell in Maths. So many
of the teachers at Seaford inspire
us as students.
Ollie Bagley
What do you study?
I’m doing Biology, Maths, Physics and an EPQ.
What do you like about your subjects?
I really enjoy Physics and Biology, with Physics I really like the way that it
sets the fundamental laws of everything. I like my subjects because they
deal with topics ranging from the massive to the small because with
Physics you’ve got all the astronomy and then in Biology you’ve got a lot
of small cells and reasonably big human interactions, and then in Physics
you can go right down into light waves, wavelengths, particles, so it’s just
the perfect balance. I find it fascinating; I’ve watched a couple of lectures
and one of them is called Microbiological Record Breakers. The lecturer
is talking about how really, really tiny things (such as a bacteria called
flagellum) are doing things that we can’t even possibly achieve.
How do you balance your time at school?
I plan my time each week and boarding really helps. The dedicated prep
sessions in the evenings help me stay on top of my work. My learning
support teacher, Miss Jones, helps me with anything I need, this includes
help with organisation, planning, prep work and at the moment she’s
supporting me with my Oxbridge application; she’s a great sounding
board to discuss ideas and a great mentor.
During the school day I use my private study periods to get my work
done, I’ll either work in the Sixth Form Centre, my boarding room or my
favourite place is the Science Workroom. We all share ideas and have
some great discussions, which helps embed the knowledge in my brain.
The Science Workroom is a dedicated space for Sixth Form science students to
study, share ideas and revise for exams.

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