Page 27 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
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Academic and Vocational Enrichment
Jon Jones, Director - Acting Head of Sixth Form, said: “We have a wide range of enrichment activities that are
built into the Sixth Form day, allowing all students the opportunity to develop themselves as individuals in
readiness for their first steps outside school or to broaden their academic CV.
Activities include: Charity Projects, Mixed Martial Arts, EPQ, CCF, Science Journal Club, Maths for Scientists,
Biomedical Society, Oxbridge, MOOC courses, Chamber Choir, Congo Band, Zumba Fitness, Arts Awards,
Shotokan Karate, Golf Coaching, Estate Management Skills, Sixth Form Drama, Community Service, Climbing
Club NICAS Qualification, Fly Fishing, 3D Printing and Drone Making club, and subject tutorials to support
academic option subjects.
Sixth Form Life Skills Carousels
Our Year 13 students have been
enjoying life skills carousels,
working in small groups and
covering a range of different
topics including democracy,
finance, first aid, property,
domestic, cooking, car
maintenance and employment.
Amanda Shaw,
Head of Food Technology
“Many of the students have
been enjoying cooking. We’re
making three different dishes
at the moment – an Indian
curry, a noodle dish and Italian
pasta. I think as the students
will be leaving Seaford next
year, they ought to have some
culinary experience. The students
have also been enjoying all the
other topics we have on offer.
They’re learning a lot and they’re
definitely having a lot of fun in
the process!”
Cissy Griffiths, Year 13
“I think these sessions are really
important because it helps you
learn important skills for later in
life and lay the foundations for
many things in the future.”
James Shaw, Year 13
“I’m taking lots of sessions and
finding them all so helpful,
especially first aid which I think
is such a good life skill. It’s such a
great opportunity to get yourself
out there and learn new skills
that you wouldn’t normally
necessarily learn and also sets
you up better for life.”
Other enrichment activities include helping out Prep School students
with literacy and reading and becoming subject Ambassadors..
Ollie is the Biology Subject Ambassador,
pictured helping students at the Prep School
Dissection Club
Harry reading with Prep School students

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