Page 30 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
P. 30

Ollie Bagley
What are you plans after
I’m applying for Natural Sciences
at Cambridge and I’m also
looking at Durham; I really love
science. My plan is to take a gap
year before university and do
volunteering in conservation areas
on an island in the Seychelles, and
then go onto a great island off the
Great Barrier Reef called Heron
Island. I’m hoping to work on the
resort there.
How has Seaford helped you
with the Oxbridge process?
Dr Richardson, Head of
Science, teaches me Biology
and is my tutor. He’s very, very
knowledgeable about a lot
of things and he’s been really
supportive and helps me prepare
for the entrance exams. I’m doing
lots of extra work and exam
questions which will also get me
ahead with my A Level studies.
Mr Gisby has helped me apply
and registered me for the exams.
There’s no pressure from anyone,
they’re just supportive and I know
I can go and see them about
anything, and they will help.
Another teacher that’s really
helped me is Miss Jones, she’s
my Academic Access and
Achievement (Learning Support)
teacher. I’m dyslexic and if I can’t
cope with anything or have any
problems, she’s able to help me.
I love Seaford because...
It’s given me confidence and
enabled me to succeed. I have
learning support for my dyslexia
and also because I need to be
stretched academically and
intellectually for my Oxbridge
exams. I get the support at
Seaford crucially when I need it.
The teachers really care and adapt
to my needs.
Jonny Green
Where do you see yourself in
ten years?
I’m totally committing myself to
rugby. I know there’ll be ups and
downs on the way, but I just want
to take my rugby as far as I can go
with it.
What’s your top tip for other
students hoping to follow a
similar path to you?
Just enjoy sport as much as you
can, and get involved with lots of
different sports, even if you have
one main sport. Ask for help –
there will always be schoolwork
to balance with playing sport, but
Seaford teachers have been great
and made time for me if I’ve been
away training or playing. They
arrange for me to have catch-up
sessions, classes and one-to-
ones, and have always been very
Who or what is it that
inspires you?
My dad, who played for Saracens,
is a big inspiration and helps me a
lot with my game. Liam Doubler,
Director of Sport at Seaford, is
passionate about rugby and great
with the students. Dom Barnes,
Prep School Head of Boys’ Sport
at Seaford, is a great teacher and
inspired me as a young player. My
academy coaches at Harlequins
Jim Evans, Chim Gale and Jordan
Turner-Hall have all been so
influential in my development,
and my teammates at Seaford
College have inspired me too.
What I like about rugby is that
you have to be very tight-knit as
a team; you’re always putting
your body on the line for the
player standing next to you. To be
honest, I will really miss playing for
Seaford when I leave.
Matt Welland
Where do you see yourself in
ten years?
I’d like to do more collaborations
and commissions with other
content creators, influencers and
brands and I’m excited to see how
far I can take my business in the
future. I aspire to work with big
brands like Amazon and Netflix. I
also want to go out to the US and
be a film producer and create my
own films.
What’s your top tip for other
students hoping to follow a
similar path to you?
Stick with it because you’re not
going to get results straightaway.
Stay motivated and determined,
do what you enjoy and success
will come your way.
Sienna Ellman-Baker
What are your plans for
the future?
I’m focusing everything on my
ballroom dancing, and I hope
to continue to win national
competitions. I’m also going to do
a course in makeup and hair so
that I have another string to my
bow to earn money.
I love Seaford because...
…of how accommodating they are
to everyone and how nurturing
they are. And personally, with
dance, I wouldn’t have been able
to reach my potential without
Seaford. I really believe in the ‘love
to learn’ motto; it’s given me a
passion and drive to learn and
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