Page 8 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
P. 8

Clara Chrispin
What was the transition like
from GCSE to A Level?
It was amazing! Going into Year
12 was the best year, I liked not
having to study so many subjects.
I joined Seaford in Year 12 and
everyone in the class is so focused
compared to my previous
school. There is more freedom to
manage our own time and we
are treated more like adults. Now
that I’ve done GCSEs, I know how
to tackle exams and manage my
exam stress.
What do you think Seaford has
done for you as a person?
I’ve discovered what I want
to do in life. I plan to work in
international relations and help
I love Seaford because…
Although it is just a school, you
feel part of a community. I know
that is a selling point of the school,
but it’s true. I’m in Year 13 and I still
know lots of the Year 9 students
from peer mentoring, boarding
and through younger siblings.
My teachers are so supportive, I
can rely on them. Seaford is very
The tag line, ‘Love to learn’
is perfect; if you interviewed
everyone you’d get a similar
response, as it’s true.
Ella Mitchell
What has Seaford done for you
since you joined?
My confidence has gone through
the roof since Year 7. I’m not loud
but more self-assured. Seaford
has given me the confidence to
apply to Oxford to read History.
The community spirit at Seaford
has helped. In lessons, it doesn’t
matter if you get the answer
wrong. Teachers, staff and friends
are so supportive – you can only
grow through learning from the
mistakes you make.
What was the transition like
from GCSE to A Level?
I now have more independence
and we’re trusted to manage our
time. We can organise how we
work, when we eat lunch, when
we do sport etc.
I play a lot of sport, both at Seaford
and for clubs outside, and it has
taught me to be driven, to push
for things and to have courage.
Music is my passion and I love
practising in the Music Block.
Being so busy, I have to be
organised in order to fit it in.
I love the Sixth Form so much
more than Year 9, 10 and 11 (which
I loved anyway) because I’m doing
the subjects I enjoy. I enjoy doing
the prep as I love the subjects.
I love the Sixth Form because
of the increase in freedom, and
the respect you’re given by the
younger students and staff.
My teachers are very good at
stretching me with work which
encourages me to learn more.
What advice would you give to
someone joining Seaford?
Be yourself as no matter who you
are, you are accepted into the
I love Seaford because…
…of the community. The teachers
and the students, even students
in different years are so friendly.
Everyone’s so accepting. As you
walk around the school, you
can be yourself. It’s a relaxing
atmosphere whilst pushing you
to strive for your personal best at
the same time.
“Seaford is the best money I’ve ever spent. Better
than designer handbags. Epic headmaster. I think
that the school has been responsible for quite a
transformation in both my children, in terms of
their confidence and their sense of themselves, a
deeper understanding of their own gifts. And that
has completely changed their energy as people.
It isn’t this big pressured environment of high
expectation that feels suffocating, but they are still
managing to empower the kids. There’s quite a
sweet spot there.”
Deborah Holden, proud mum
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