Page 9 - Seaford GCSE Options Booklet 2022
P. 9

                Your support
With you all the way
Ensuring that our students are healthy, in body and mind, is always at the forefront of our hearts at Seaford College. We’re very aware of the pressures that young people are under, greater social and academic pressures than any generation before them, and so it’s important that the environment around them is a happy and healthy one, and that they feel safe and secure, both physically and mentally.
As befits a school
so committed to
the wellbeing of our students, our excellent and dedicated catering team work tirelessly to ensure that the food options available are tasty and nutritious, varied and balanced, catering for all tastes and needs.
Taking part in sports and games is a key part of the school day, and this continues in Year 10 and 11. All students also have access to
a fully equipped gym, spin room and conditioning suite. Day students are able to use these during Games, on rotation, and boarders can also use the gym after the school day has finished. It’s important to us that students are taught the benefits of nutrition, and the importance of strengthening their bodies and how this fits into their lifestyle. We have our very own Strength and Conditioning Coach on site to help with this.
It’s not always physical support that you might need, and Seaford College also has excellent support options for any students who may have any concerns, anxieties or worries. House parents, tutors, the Chaplain, Peer Mentors as well as dedicated counsellors in our Pink House are all available for you to turn to as and when you need it.
Mr William Yates
Deputy Head

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