Page 6 - Pi Kapp Gator - Summer 2019
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Mr. Alpha Epsilon                                                                  Save the Date

        Mr. Alpha Epsilon is an award presented to                                   Alumni Tailgate Weekends
        notable brothers of the chapter, who, as alumni,
        have  given  unselfishly  of  their  time,  wisdom,                                 Tennessee - 9/21
        and resources, while working tirelessly for the
        betterment of the undergraduate chapter of Pi                                  Auburn Homecoming - 10/5
        Kappa  Phi  at  UF.  The  first  Mr.  AE  Award  was                                 Vanderbilt - 11/9
        presented in 1981 to two outstanding alumni:
        Mo  Cummings  ’50  (AE  370) and  Charles                                    Join us for food, drink, and camaraderie during
        Rowe ’52 (AE 414). To date, this award has                                    the home games listed above! Sponsored by
                                                                                      the AE Gator Club. Take the opportunity to
        been presented to 21 of our alumni brothers over                             meet up with old friends and get to know some
        the past 38 years. This year’s recipients are Bob                             of our newest brothers who are carrying on
        Halcrow ’68 (AE 868) and Mike Sullivan ’84                                    our legacy at UF. We hope to see you there!
        (AE 886) (pictured, top, with Dave Boden ’84, AE
        1337), as well as Tim Rurey ’84 (AE 1327) and
        Bill Charland ’82 (AE 1245) (pictured at right).

                                              Hall of Fame                                  AE GATOR CLUB

                                              (Continued from page 5)                    NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN!
                                              of our chapter house. At the 95th Anniversary   Help support all alumni activity:
                                              Celebration,  Peter C. Barr ’54 (AE 512)   Nationally recognized AE Scholarship Program
                                              and  Frank E. Maloney ’41 (AE 285) were
                                                                                     Award-winning AE Communication Program
                                              inducted into our chapter’s hall of fame. Pete
                                                                                        Founders Day and Alumni Activities
                                              was in attendance and spoke to the crowd.   Join AE Gator Club today!
                                              Frank’s son was in attendance to present the
                                              Maloney Award. Their portraits will be proudly   Visit and select
         Peter C. Barr ’54 stands with the AE Hall of Fame.  added to our wall.          “AE Gator Club” from the menu.

                                                                                               You can also visit
                             In Memoriam: Murle Eugene Harrison ’50 (AE 436)  
                                                                                         to sign up, or make a donation!
                          Murle      Eugene   for resort operations and became the general
                          Harrison ’50 (AE    manager in 1979. After Gate Petroleum         Visit us online at
                          436), of Ft. Lauderdale   assumed ownership of the Ponte Vedra Club,!
                          and   Ponte   Vedra   Murle served in variety of corporate positions
                          Beach, Florida, passed   at Gate, including commercial real estate,
                          away at age 88 on   internal auditor, establishment of the Gate   Chapter Eternal
                          Tuesday May 14, 2019.   Governor’s Club, and as broker of Ponte Vedra
                          As a student, Murle was   Club Realty. Murle retired from the company
         a member of ROTC, graduated with a degree   in 1997.                        We are saddened to have learned of the
         in accounting from UF, and was commissioned                                 passing of the following Alpha Epsilon
                                              During  his  60  years  in  Ponte  Vedra,  Murle
         as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army.                              brothers since the last issue of the Pi Kapp
                                              was always active in the community serving   Gator. We extend our sympathies to their
         Murle was an active member of Pi Kappa Phi
                                              as deacon and elder at Palms Presbyterian   friends, families, and loved ones.
         and an original member of the Teen Timers.
                                              Church,  fire  chief  of  the  Ponte  Vedra  Beach
         During his time as treasurer, he signed the                                      Jule Frank Merkel ’49 (AE 409)
                                              Volunteer  Fire  Department,  scout  master  of
         check which allowed AE to purchase the lot at
                                              Boy Scout Troop #277, helped found the PV   Murle Eugene Harrison ’50 (AE 436)
         11 Fraternity Row from UF.
                                              Chapter  of  Ducks  Unlimited,  PV  Elementary
         During his senior year at UF, Murle met Ann   PTA President, president of the St. Johns   Benjamin Henry Cosio ’51 (AE 463)
         Reed on a blind date in Jacksonville; they   County Republican Club, draft board member,   Robert Wallace McMullen ’58 (AE 603)
         were married a year later, and spent the   PV  Community  Association  secretary  and
         next 54 years together. After his service as   treasurer, and most recently as trustee of the   George Wilson Shipp ’70 (AE 927)
         a  finance  officer  in  the  army,  Murle  began   Ponte  Vedra  MSD.  Murle  was  predeceased   David Lawrence Mundy ’78 (AE 1046)
         work  at  Stockton,  Whatley,  &  Davin  as  an   by his wife Ann in 2000, and is survived by
         accountant and in 1958 was appointed as   his daughter Debbie (John) Edwards, his son   Dusty Patrick McGee ’79 (AE 1084)
         the lead accountant of the Ponte Vedra Club.   Steve (Debbie), grandchildren Susanna (Josh),
         Murle continued to accept more responsibility   Lindsay, and great-granddaughter Vanessa.

                      Alumni communication services provided by Elevate | | 770-903-3987 |        @elevateims
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