Page 2 - Wooglin Speaks - Beta Theta Pi Ole Miss - Winter 2018-19
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The fall semester
was certainly one for Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as spotlight is recent
the books, and I am graduate Garrett Booth ’18. From Austin, Texas, Garrett gradu-
prouder than ever to ated with a B.A. in biochemistry, and minors in biology and naval
be a Beta. Our execu- science. While in Naval ROTC, he served as squad leader, physi-
tive team came in with cal training instructor, bible study leader, and executive officer.
specific goals: improve He was also part of the Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), and a
member of the Inter-Fraternity Council Executive Board, having
campus relations, in- served as vice president of recruitment. Garrett began his term
crease the overall GPA, of service as an officer in the U.S. Navy in January 2018, and will
and increase the new report for flight school in Pensacola, Florida, in April. In his free
member retention rate. Garrett’s commissioning picture time, he enjoys flying as a private pilot, scuba diving (open water
I am happy to say we have accomplished all before being sworn in as a naval certified), mountain biking, and hiking.
three and set a new standard for being a mem- officer.
ber of Ole Miss Beta.
Prior to rush, we set out to take a big step What led you to join the chapter? sible. Ad-
forward and win a campus-wide election. I Coming into Ole Miss as a transfer student, ditionally, as
was honored when the chapter voted to sup- I knew almost no one, and the only organiza- an officer,
port my candidacy for Mr. Ole Miss. Against tion I was involved in was ROTC. Since Greek I have the
all odds, our chapter defeated the other three life was such a large part of the student body unique op-
candidates with 52% of the vote! We carried and offered a group of brothers completely dif- portunity to
that momentum into rush by recruiting 79 ferent from the military, I knew I wanted to go mentor and
young men to join our brotherhood—all of through recruitment the next fall. When visiting lead other
whom have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher, Beta, I immediately felt welcomed and at home young sail-
the new minimum standard for chapter recruit- by the active brothers, and was convinced that ors, and I
ment. As the semester progressed, we were they were the group of men I wanted to grow hope to be
able to initiate 49 members of the class in De- and spend my three years at school with. able to make
cember, with 15 more initiated in January, due a positive Garrett after initiation into Beta
to unforeseen circumstances. This addition has How would you like to apply your impact on Theta Pi, with his good friend and
increased our new member retention rate to degree? each of their pledge brother, Chauncey Mullins.
from 64% to 81%, and our chapter size to 196 To be completely honest, I am not sure lives.
men. what I would like to do in my career after the
As many of you may know, this past fall the military. However, with a degree in biochemis- When did you discover an interest in fly-
chapter experienced a time of learning. The try, I am looking to go into the medical field, ing?
Beta Chapter has always prided itself on our or work with disabled veterans in physical ther- My family has always been involved with
ability to adapt and change when necessary. As apy. While in the service, I am also planning aviation—both my dad and uncle are private
the university adopts new policies to provide a on obtaining my MBA, to afford myself more pilots—so I grew up going to the local air-
safer fraternal experience, the chapter will be options after the military. port and watching planes take off and land. I
undergoing changes to its risk management started taking lessons when I was 12, soloed
procedures in the coming months. What are your goals with the U. S. Navy? for the first time at 16, and obtained my pri-
Please be on the lookout for our Spring Par- My goals in the navy are much different than vate pilot’s certificate at 18. Ever since, I have
ent Alumni Banquet dates, as well as updates for life after the military. I am unsure if I want to made a point to fly every chance I get, taking
after our January initiation. I also encourage make a career out of this, but in the eight years multiple trips around Texas and Mississippi. In
everyone to subscribe to our award-winning that I owe, I am hoping to fly either fighter jets the future, I plan to advance my capability by
monthly newsletter, The Beta Beta Brief, to stay or helicopters. One of the reasons I joined the obtaining my IFR, multi-engine, and commer-
informed on all chapter operations. navy is because you get to see the world more cial ratings.
than any other branch of the military, and it is
Yours in _kai_, my goal to travel to as many countries as pos- What do you enjoy doing for fun?
I most enjoy being in-
Chauncey L. Mullins volved in my church and
BB 1629 campus ministry com-
munities. In the future,
I hope to go on more
mission trips to spread
CONNECT WITH US the word of God to as
many people as I can. If
I could help bring one Jack Hall ’20 (left) served as a person to give their life
congressional intern this past to Jesus Christ, it would summer. He’s pictured here with The PC ’18 members of the Trent Lott Leader-
Beta Ole Miss alumnus Ray Mabus, ship Institute had the opportunity to meet with be far greater than any
facebook: @olemissbeta former governor of Mississippi and former US Senator Trent Lott in October. other accomplishment in
former secretary of the navy. my life.