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Summer 2017  |  Sigma Alpha Mu, University of Illinois  |  Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |  770-903-3987
        From the President
                                              Alumni Spotlight       Kenneth A. Hoffman ’76

                  Dear fellow Rho            Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter
                  Sammys,                    we’re shining the Spotlight on brother
                                             Ken Hoffman ’76. From the hometown of
                     ummer is in full swing   Chicago, Ken graduated with a degree in
                  Sand  we are  already      biology at Illinois.  He has recently  retired
                  looking to the fall to inspire   as Group President at Signode Industrial
                  gatherings that will bring   Group after 29 years. During his time as an
                  alumni and  active  chapter   active, Ken served the Rho Chapter as pledge
    members together.                        father and social chairman. He continues to
                                             volunteer his time today by working in the
      We’re considering creating a few       nonprofit arena – his greatest passion. Ken
    consistent events for alumni – an event at   is  doing  great  things  as  board  president  for
    the house during Homecoming, basketball   the Les Turner ALS Foundation, and he was   The Les Turner  ALS Foundation hosted its annual
    season, or a championship game. Please let   recently honored with the Hope Through   Hope Through Caring gala Feb. 25, honoring the
    us know if you would be interested in getting   Caring Award. Additionally, for the past 13   organization’s board president, Ken Hoffman, and
    together. Our main goal is creating something   years, he has served as vice chairman of Lake  people living with ALS. Held at the Loews Hotel Chicago,
    that brings the alumni and actives together.   Forest Graduate School of Management.  500 guests attended the sold-out event celebrating the
      If you haven’t been by the house lately,   Outside of work, Ken enjoys travel, hiking,  40  anniversary of the foundation, one of the nation’s
    we invite you to come by anytime. Though   and golf. He and his wife Melissa have been  largest independent  ALS organizations. Ken was
                                                                                    presented with the Hope Through Caring Award.
    we have made several capital improvements   married for nearly 34 years, and they proudly
                                             share two children, Rebecca and Michael.
    over the years, the house currently has a few
    needed repairs. The kitchen was forced to
    close last year due to fraternal regulations.   What are some of your best memories from being   love  the  world  of
    The kitchen must be upgraded in order for   an active member?                   manufacturing
    us to serve food and meet compliance. This   When I arrived at the U of I, I knew only one   and  production.
    means that we must install a commercial   person in the house. From day one, the brothers   This  apparently
    grade kitchen which includes the following:  made me feel welcomed. Some of my best   was reflected in
     •  Nearly all new cooking equipment    memories of that time center around the lifelong   my  work  and
     •  New ceiling tiles and other beautification  friendships that were started there.   I  became  one
     •  More usable space and dry storage   After graduation, what type of work did you do for   of the youngest
      Being able to provide meals at the    Johnson & Johnson?                      managers    in  Ken  and  Sammy   bros
    house goes way beyond the food itself – it   My start in the business world was a little less   the facility. As I  Buddy Blinick ’77 and Steve
    is important to sustain, grow, and maintain   conventional than many of my brothers. Within   gained experience,   Blumenthal ’77, circa 1973.
    comradery.                              weeks of graduation, I moved to central Illinois to   I received more
      As repairs and upgrades are made this   begin my career in manufacturing and operations   opportunities and roles within the organization.
    summer, I would like to remind you that last   management. J&J provided great training and  What type of leadership skills did you develop
    summer – thanks to the alumni support of                       de v el opm e nt  during this time?
    our Annual Fund – we were able to replace                      for    beginning   Leadership to me has always been based on
    the floor in the living room and install a new                 professionals  and   the establishment of trust and respect between me
    first floor bathroom. Prior to that, in 2015                   I took advantage   and my team. That trust is the basis for creating
    the plumbing was improved, we replaced the                     of everything they   an environment of transparency to allow for the
    dining room floor, and had the common areas                    had to offer.    establishment of clear expectations and goals
    painted (including ceiling fan and lighting                    How were you     for team members. Early in my career, I learned
    upgrades).                                                     able to advance so   that a good leader always gives the credit to
      Something is always going on at the house                                     his  team  when  things are going  well  and  takes
    and there is always a need. How can you show                   quickly at J&J?  responsibility for the situations that don’t!
    your support? Help us by contributing to the                      At the time
    Rho Annual Fund. The Annual Fund not only                      when I started  What achievements are you most proud of?
                                                                                      While I have had an extraordinary career in
    helps us to maintain the house, but it also                    at J&J, I had    business, I am most proud of my 34-year marriage
    gives us the support we need to plan events   Ken, circa 1973, at the Sammy   no  idea  how
                                                                   quickly I would
              President (Continued on Page 4)       house.                                      Hoffman (Continued on Page 4)
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