Page 2 - The Rhomer - Summer 2017
P. 2

                 Chapter News

          A Message from the Chapter Prior

                          e are proud to    were put on by Chabad. We
                     Wannounce that we      are  also  proud to  announce
                     had a very successful year   that we raised and donated
                     at Sigma Alpha Mu! We   the second most amount  of
                     were fortunate enough to   money for the University
                     rush and initiate a pledge   of Illinois Relay for Life,
                     class of 25 outstanding   a program that hits close   Relay for Life is a service that hits close to home for a lot of us. As a house,
                     gentlemen. I am proud to   to home for many of our   we take pride in fundraising for this event and ended up raising the second
                     be prior of such a great   members, including myself.     most money out of all organizations involved!
                     group of guys who really   Although  our  spring
     care about each other and the community around   philanthropy had to be cancelled due to rain, we   planning events for the summer, as well as a great
     them! This semester we were very involved   plan to bounce back stronger than before in the   alumni weekend this fall with tailgating and other
     with Illini Chabad, one of the great Jewish   fall with a full-scale trunk show, a philanthropy   activities. Alumni, please feel free to contact me
     organizations on campus, that strives to foster a   idea that worked very well for us in the fall and   at with any questions
     community for all people of Jewish faith. With the   that we hope to build on!   or advice you may have for me and the rest of our
     help of a heritage grant from Sammy nationals,   Finally, a huge goal of my term as prior is   chapter. I appreciate it!
     we were able to cohost a Friday Shabbat with   to improve our alumni relations. As prior, I feel
     Chabad, titled “Jews in Sports,” where the father   there  is  nothing  more  important to  this  house   Thank you,
     of brother Matt Sherman was a guest a speaker.   than the members, especially the alumni! With   Benjamin Weinstein
     Throughout the semester, we were happy to help   the help of our alumni chair,  Justin Montier,   Prior
     out with the many Shabbat and other events that   we are revamping our alumni relations. We are

      Chapter Spotlight     Aidan Ezgur

                          Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as Spotlight is Vice Prior
                          Aidan Ezgur. From the hometown of Highland Park, IL, Aidan was
                          selected because of his dedication to the success of the chapter house.
                          Through his work as vice prior, as well as working heavily with our
                          philanthropy and alumni chair, he has helped us achieve great things.
                          Aidan will be a junior this fall and is working toward a Bachelor of
                          Communication in liberal arts and sciences with minors in both sales
                          and marketing and human psychology. He is the former president of
                          Highland Park Ski and Snowboard Club, and is the current member/
                          event promoter of Music for the Masses UIUC. He is also currently a
                          counselor and CPR certified lifeguard at Camp Ojibwa for Boys. For
                          fun, Aidan enjoys playing guitar, cooking, playing tennis and golf,
                          and spending time with his friends and family.

     What led you to join the chapter?      are about 100 members active in our chapter   Aidan with his uncle after finishing a half marathon.
       I have always known about Sammys     and I consider each one of them a close friend
     because my father,  Michael Ezgur ’89, was   who cares deeply about me and the house. The   Google and LinkedIn to startups like the chief of
     house treasurer for the class of ’89. What really   people in this house are why I joined and why I   marketing at G2 Crowd. I love that B2B sales stay
     encouraged me to join the Rho Chapter was the   continue to do all I can for our chapter.   on the cutting edge of technology and rely heavily
     culture of unity and brotherhood. While it is   How would you like to apply your degree?  on communication skills. I think my personality
     fun to be involved in this organization, Sammys   My degree gives me many possibilities to pursue.   and focus on speech, advertising, and human
     was not the only strong social fraternity.   One field that has really grabbed my attention and   psychology give me a skillset uniquely suited for
     What set it apart  was that, while  there  are   inspired me to pursue related internships is business-  this line of work.
     many varying personalities in the house, the   to-business sales and marketing, particularly for  What type of work do you do with Music for the
     culture of our chapter brings everyone together   software companies. I have met and interviewed  Masses?
     through shared experience and the lifelong   several successful entrepreneurs and executives in   I started out using their tutoring service but
     bonds of brotherhood we form together. There   this field who are working at big companies like   soon found myself involved in event planning
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