Page 3 - Marching Along Summer 2013
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Chapter News
From the Chapter President Beta Bring It On
s the spring semester being tapped into Florida By E.J. Peters, Internal Philanthropy Chair
Acomes to an end, the Blue Key, Brother Nick he Gamma Xi chapter of Beta Theta Pi held
Gamma Xi chapter is proud Spinazzola for securing a Tits annual philanthropy “Beta Bring It On”
to look back at an amazing District B Senate seat, and on February 11, 2013. Beta Bring It On is a
start to the 2013 calendar Brother JJ Giuliano for cheerleading competition that both Beta and the
year. Service seemed to getting the Directorship of sororities compete in, with certifed judges. This is
be the theme this semester. University Sales for Gator one of the biggest and most successful philanthropic
EJ Peters planned and Growl and Homecoming. events on campus.
executed our philanthropy, Our brothers are involved This year the proceeds went to the Alzheimer’s
Beta Bring it On, this past in any number of student Association and the March of Dimes foundation.
February and raised $45,000 for the organizations, including ACCENT, We were fortunate enough to raise a total of $45,000
Alzheimer’s Association, our most Cicerones, HEROES, ROTC, through ticket sales, apparel sales and donations.
successful BBIO to date. Student Government Productions, This was one of the most successful Bring It On
Gamma Xi had 13 dancers and many more. events in the history of the Gamma Xi chapter. We
participate in Dance Marathon, as Although we only placed would like to thank everyone for all of the support
well as 8 brothers who were on staff second in competition for the we received.
for such an inspiring event. They President’s Cup, we are off to a solid
were responsible for $11,077 of start this year and look forward to
the $1,169,722.16 total raised for winning back the title of intramural
the Children’s Miracle Network, champions. We are all excited for
surpassing our goal of $10,000. the fall semester, what it holds for
Winning Alpha Omicron Pi’s Mr. Gamma Xi and another season of
UF and completing 4 other service Gator football. I am truly blessed to
projects wrapped up Gamma Xi’s be in this position of leadership and
very philanthropic semester. have such an amazing brotherhood
Our Chapter’s cumulative GPA behind me. As always, good times
still remains well above the all- are ahead for our Chapter!
fraternity, all-men’s, and all-campus
averages for another consecutive Yours in _____kai_____
semester. Gamma Xi stills fnds
itself to be one of the most involved
houses on campus. Congratulations Trent Talbot
to Brother Gilbert Murimwa for President
Congratulations to
Our 2013 Graduates!
Michael Ramos Stuart Block The Zeta Tau Alpha sorority is crowned champions
after winning overall at our annual Beta Bring It
Finance; Spanish Sustainability Studies On philanthropy. ZTA had one of the best cheer
Justin Larson Jonathan Brotman performances in addition to raising the most money
Biology & Psychology Political Science to beneft Alzheimer’s as well as the March of Dimes
Logan Payne Stephen Bucken foundation.
History, Political Science Industrial & Systems
Sergio Lozano Engineering Scholarship Updates
International Food & Thomas Lair - Finance Alexander Griffn ’15, has
Resource Economics Daniel Snook - Psychology received the Accenture Business
Fund Scholarship for Study
Jason Tiemeier Blake Tomlin - Biology Abroad. Griffn, along with
Finance Pre Law Zachary Tucker three other Gamma Xi members,
Andrew Thompson - Physics Nuclear Engineering Jordan Rutner ’15, Matthew
Jeff Schirtzer - Finance Devin Shenkman - Psychology Friend ’15, and Alex Sugarman
Eric Strack - Advertising David Kaskey - Finance ’15, will be studying abroad in
Phillip Schreiner - Finance Matthew King - Finance Spain throughout this upcoming
From the Chapter President Beta Bring It On
s the spring semester being tapped into Florida By E.J. Peters, Internal Philanthropy Chair
Acomes to an end, the Blue Key, Brother Nick he Gamma Xi chapter of Beta Theta Pi held
Gamma Xi chapter is proud Spinazzola for securing a Tits annual philanthropy “Beta Bring It On”
to look back at an amazing District B Senate seat, and on February 11, 2013. Beta Bring It On is a
start to the 2013 calendar Brother JJ Giuliano for cheerleading competition that both Beta and the
year. Service seemed to getting the Directorship of sororities compete in, with certifed judges. This is
be the theme this semester. University Sales for Gator one of the biggest and most successful philanthropic
EJ Peters planned and Growl and Homecoming. events on campus.
executed our philanthropy, Our brothers are involved This year the proceeds went to the Alzheimer’s
Beta Bring it On, this past in any number of student Association and the March of Dimes foundation.
February and raised $45,000 for the organizations, including ACCENT, We were fortunate enough to raise a total of $45,000
Alzheimer’s Association, our most Cicerones, HEROES, ROTC, through ticket sales, apparel sales and donations.
successful BBIO to date. Student Government Productions, This was one of the most successful Bring It On
Gamma Xi had 13 dancers and many more. events in the history of the Gamma Xi chapter. We
participate in Dance Marathon, as Although we only placed would like to thank everyone for all of the support
well as 8 brothers who were on staff second in competition for the we received.
for such an inspiring event. They President’s Cup, we are off to a solid
were responsible for $11,077 of start this year and look forward to
the $1,169,722.16 total raised for winning back the title of intramural
the Children’s Miracle Network, champions. We are all excited for
surpassing our goal of $10,000. the fall semester, what it holds for
Winning Alpha Omicron Pi’s Mr. Gamma Xi and another season of
UF and completing 4 other service Gator football. I am truly blessed to
projects wrapped up Gamma Xi’s be in this position of leadership and
very philanthropic semester. have such an amazing brotherhood
Our Chapter’s cumulative GPA behind me. As always, good times
still remains well above the all- are ahead for our Chapter!
fraternity, all-men’s, and all-campus
averages for another consecutive Yours in _____kai_____
semester. Gamma Xi stills fnds
itself to be one of the most involved
houses on campus. Congratulations Trent Talbot
to Brother Gilbert Murimwa for President
Congratulations to
Our 2013 Graduates!
Michael Ramos Stuart Block The Zeta Tau Alpha sorority is crowned champions
after winning overall at our annual Beta Bring It
Finance; Spanish Sustainability Studies On philanthropy. ZTA had one of the best cheer
Justin Larson Jonathan Brotman performances in addition to raising the most money
Biology & Psychology Political Science to beneft Alzheimer’s as well as the March of Dimes
Logan Payne Stephen Bucken foundation.
History, Political Science Industrial & Systems
Sergio Lozano Engineering Scholarship Updates
International Food & Thomas Lair - Finance Alexander Griffn ’15, has
Resource Economics Daniel Snook - Psychology received the Accenture Business
Fund Scholarship for Study
Jason Tiemeier Blake Tomlin - Biology Abroad. Griffn, along with
Finance Pre Law Zachary Tucker three other Gamma Xi members,
Andrew Thompson - Physics Nuclear Engineering Jordan Rutner ’15, Matthew
Jeff Schirtzer - Finance Devin Shenkman - Psychology Friend ’15, and Alex Sugarman
Eric Strack - Advertising David Kaskey - Finance ’15, will be studying abroad in
Phillip Schreiner - Finance Matthew King - Finance Spain throughout this upcoming