Page 1 - Kappa Delta Rho - Feasibility Study
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Kappa Delta Rho
You’re Needed Today, More Than Ever!
Kappa Delta Rho has evolved over the last 25 years to become a leader
among national fraternity organizations in terms of its programs, chapter
standards and support, and focus on the personal development of its
undergraduate members. The proposed campaign will provide the necessary
funding and endowment to transform the programs offered by Kappa Delta
Rho, to aid in the vision to facilitate the personal development of our
undergraduate members, and, quite literally, to save lives.
Why Conduct a Feasibility Study?
Many graduates might wonder: “Why do we need to conduct a capital campaign feasibility study?” The answer is simple: just because
we want to provide programs that respond to our member’s needs doesn’t mean we can. Supporting the needed programs requires
resources, and those come from a successful capital campaign. The only way to
know we can succeed is by conducting a study to determine whether our Broth- Applying industry statistics provided
erhood is willing to support this effort. by the JED Foundation to our
undergraduate population, each year …
This feasibility study will allow us to accomplish a number of tasks designed to
gauge the potential success of the campaign, including but not limited to: 1,000 experience overwhelming
• Determining the overall interest level and support of the campaign by our anxiety
Brothers and assessing the overall fraternity experience of our alumni from a experience depression impact-
broad spectrum of generations. 646 ing their ability to function
• Identifying those Brothers with the capacity to make lead and mid-tier gifts, experience a diagnosis of or
obtaining their reactions to the project, and determining if they have interest 468 treatment for a mental health
in supporting it. concern
• Educating our alumni on the need for the project and identifying the people 186 experience serious thought of
we will have involved to ensure success. suicide
• Identifying alumni interested and willing to help as volunteers throughout 1 successful suicide, that we
the campaign and on one of the ongoing committees. know of
Feasibility Study Office P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 607-533-9200 ext. 30328