Page 4 - Kappa Delta Rho - Feasibility Study
P. 4

Kappa Delta Rho

                                           How Can I Get Involved?

                    This campaign presents many opportunities for our Brothers from a variety of eras to volunteer and
                    support the initiative. Please review all of the opportunities presented here, and note on your feasi-
                    bility survey if you are interested in volunteering; we welcome and need your experience, expertise,
                    and involvement.

                    Steering Committee (10–15)

                    Oversight of our efforts will be crucial as we complete the project and ensure a structural longevity.
                    Alumni who have expertise are welcome to get involved. If you are not able to devote yourself full time
                    but are willing to participate on an as-needed consulting basis, please let us know that as well.

                    Chapter Ambassador (45)

                    Support your steering committee by helping to organize and maintain the volunteers from your chap-
                    ter. Along with serving as an ambassador of the campaign, a chapter ambassador will manage up to
                    four chapter agents, recruit volunteers, and engage and solicit alumni from their generational era.
                    Chapter Agent (200–300)

                    Represent your pledge class and join the other alumni volunteers! These Brothers will be charged to
                    engage with roughly 10–15 fellow ΚΔΡs from their pledge class whom they will stay in touch with,
                    educate as to campaign details, gather information from, share news of upcoming events and activi-
                    ties with, and ask to support the campaign. During the campaign, volunteers will inform their team of
                    the latest campaign-related progress.

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