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Lambda Latest

     Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Georgia

Fall 2016 | Lambda Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Georgia | Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987

Dear Brothers,                                          SAM HERMAN ’95Alumni:

    H appy Holidays! On                                 Spotlight:
                               the front cover of this
                               fall 2016 Lambda         Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?       Sam at 2016 PKP Golf Tournament.
                     Latest edition, we are excited       Growing up in Savannah, Georgia, I have
                     to shine the spotlight on
                     brother Sam Herman ’95. Our        been a Bulldog for life. My parents are
                     ongoing housing campaign           alumni and it’s where I always wanted to go.
                     takes center stage on pages        I tell people I was the last student to ever be
                     2 and 3, and includes a            accepted to UGA with less than a 3.0 high
campaign update, more information on the                school GPA. As part of the fall class of ’95,
donation process, as well as the renderings for         the Hope Scholarship was just in its second
the project. On page four, you can see an event         year and admission rates were just beginning
recap of our Annual Golf Tournament benefitting         to get much tougher. I would not have been
the Burnham Memorial Scholarship that we held           accepted the following year. Currently, I am
this past April. I have enjoyed serving as the          living in Alpharetta, Georgia, with my wife
Lambda Housing Association President for the            and our two children—Trace, 10, and Kate,
last 5 years, and will be stepping down in April of     7. Trace is planning to play in the NFL after
2017. I look forward to staying involved with the       a standout career at UGA and Kate is my
undergraduate chapter after my term ends. On            future Olympic gymnast. Jenny is my wife
behalf of the Lambda Housing Association, we            of 12 years and takes care of these two as
thank you for your dedication to Lambda Chapter         well as volunteering at their school, personal
as we look forward to our next 100 years!               training, and keeping our house together. I
                                                        sell medical supplies for Medline Industries
Fraternally,                                            and love what I do. We are lucky enough to
                                                        have a great group of PKPs who live near
Scott A. Beaver C’98                                    us and remain close friends. It may sound
P.S. Go Dawgs!                                          clichéd, but life is good.

Can you tell us more about your                         passion, it’s like fantasy football on steroids,   Lambda Housing Project?
professional background and your                        coming up with plays and seeing the kids             Building the new addition is long overdue!
current role with Medline Industries, Inc.?             execute is so much fun! We spend much of the
                                                        summers on the boat at our lake house on Lake      I’m proud that our chapter has continued to
  When I was a senior at Georgia I called               Martin in Alabama as well. Wrestling with my       grow and develop young men to be campus
fellow Lambda alum Denny Devlin and said,               kids and spending time with family and friends     and community leaders. The new wing will
“Hey man, help me get a job with that medical           is the most important part of my life.             bring more people to the house and provide
sales company you work for.” He told me to go                                                              additional space for our brothers to congregate.
get sales experience and call him back in two           What were some of the primary                      This will further show Pi Kappa Phi to be one
years. That’s essentially what I did. Fourteen          motivating factors for choosing Pi Kappa           of the elite fraternities on campus and help
years later we are both still with Medline, the         Phi?                                               provide status as one of the leading associations
largest privately held healthcare company in                                                               in the community. I’m proud of the progress
the industry. I call on five hospital systems in          Growing up in Savannah, Georgia, most of         we have made and proud to have supported the
the Atlanta area. My company manufactures               my hometown friends were in another fraternity     campaign as a donor!
and distributes, giving us an advantage over            on campus. I assumed I would join with them.
much of our competition. It’s fun to be able to         Randomly, I met a few of the Pi Kaps during        What advice could you give to
go into surgery and help physicians and staff           the summer before college and thought they         undergraduate brothers as it relates to
with issues they may have, as well as work              were a great group of guys. After attending a      career success?
with other hospital departments as a resource           few summer rush events and meeting future
to help with efficiencies and provide better            pledge brothers I realized I had found the right     If I could give advice as these undergraduates
clinical outcomes to patients.                          group of misfits. Add in the fact that there were  move out into the real world, it would be to find
                                                        some gorgeous girls hanging around didn’t          a career that makes you happy. If you have a
What activities are you involved with                   hurt! Joining Pi Kappa Phi’s Lambda Chapter        purpose and goals it will help you to drive to be
beyond your work?                                       was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.      your best. Success in dollar figures is great, but
                                                        It has shaped who I am and who I associate         you need to make sure your job satisfies your
  My biggest passion outside of work is                 myself with today.                                 sense of self worth. And to make sure your
coaching my son’s fourth grade football team.                                                              personal life is just as fulfilling. Work hard
I coach baseball as well but football is truly my       What are your thoughts on the current              when it’s time and play hard all the time!
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