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Spring 2019 | Sigma Triton Charge of Theta Delta Chi | Alumni Relations Office P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 770-903-3987
alumni What your led to your involvement on the Penn
Spotlight Edward “TEd” B. Brown III ’68 State Board of Trustees?
In 2011, the Penn State Board mishandled the Jerry
Sandusky scandal, resulting in the firing of four individuals
Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter we’re shining the Spotlight on Brother
Ted Brown ’68. From the hometown of Glenolden, PA, Ted holds a B.S. in science and without due process, including legendary coach and
has built a successful career in crisis management. A member of the Penn State Board of humanitarian, Joe Paterno. My anger at the failure
Trustees, Ted is working to protect Greek life and uphold proper procedures within the motivated me to run and continues to motivate me. One
internal structure of the school. His hard work was first recognized in 2002 when he was of my brothers called me up a few years ago out of the blue
elected to the Crisis Management/Continuity Planning Hall of Fame along with Rudy and asked to take me and my wife Elaine to dinner, to
Giuliani. As president & CEO of KETCHConsulting, Ted led his company to being elected thank me for my efforts. The vast majority of brothers are
to the same Hall of Fame in 2007. In 2017, he was honored as Consultant of the Year also frustrated at how the university treated Joe, and how
and received the Lifetime Achievement Award. Ted and his wife Elaine (Brown) have the Greek system is being treated.
been married for 43 years now and have three grown daughters: Heather, Courtney, and Katherine. Together, they
proudly share 13 family members—spanning over three generations—of Penn State graduates. Why do you feel it’s important to support the
campaign at the charge?
It’s time for us to give back—a classic statement that is
What are your favorite memories as an active university in the engineering department and is also on the tried and true. The house needs major improvements, and
charge member? Penn State Alumni Association Board as a volunteer. if we want to continue and engage quality leaders, we have
I enjoyed the brotherhood—Penn State is a very big After graduation, how soon did you begin work to have a quality product. We all know that the bathrooms
school and having friends that you could socialize with with IBM? at the house are subpar—even back when I was an active
and eat with, and also hold positions of responsibility, It was only nine days before I began working for IBM member. This is a dramatic step in the right direction. One
meant a lot to me. Being president was a very special as a sales rep and then advanced through a variety of of the core themes is to improve the study and work areas at
thing for me. I was involved with many other activities leadership positions. In 1988, I was offered the opportunity the house. It’s an old building, and there are safety concerns.
on campus, but to run for the charge president, I spoke to help create a new business within IBM—the recovery I want to see the risks decreased and make improvements.
with every single brother—one on one—about it. I also business. Initially, it was all about computers, but then
remember the time I drove to Jacksonville for the 1967 became about both people and computers. The work led to Outside of work, what do you do for fun?
Gator Bowl with three other brothers. We all brought a the recovery of the Virgin Islands that sustained devastation I love Penn State football, and I collect Penn State
date—so that was eight people in a car. We stopped off from Hurricane Marilyn. My career with IBM spanned for memorabilia. I enjoy playing golf when I get the chance.
for a movie and no one had ever heard of it—it was The just over 30 years. Two of the tee boxes at the Penn State course have our
Graduate. In the movie, there are a few scenes from a names on them. I really love going to Penn State events like
fraternity, and it was of Theta Delta Chi at UCLA! When What are you most proud of? the Paterno 5K run, the Renaissance Dinner, and the many
we got back to the charge house, we told all the guys. It I am very proud to be on the Penn State Board of events on campus where I can interface with the students.
was so exciting. Trustees. I am very proud of the work I’ve done to What advice can you give the actives and alumni
protect the Greek system. It was being attacked, and the about success?
How do you stay in touch with your charge president and board were attempting to defer rush for a
brothers today? year. I fought to protect the process and saved rush. My Work hard and you’ll succeed. Opportunities are always
A couple of ways, we go to all of the home football experience with risk and crisis management has helped there but not everyone sees them. You have to be alert.
games, and several brothers stop by. I also live in town and me to make 24 campuses a safer place. Also, my oldest You have to be willing to embrace the new. Be willing to
speak with Wally a lot. We focus on the issues at the house daughter, Heather, has Down syndrome and is a Special embrace technology. You either move forward or you go
and I am there to help. Because of my love for the fraternity, Olympian. Back in the 1970s, they encouraged parents backwards. And always be Penn State proud.
and the fact that I am on the Penn State Board, it is easy to put such a child in an assisted living home. We put a
for me to stay in touch. I stay in close contact with Brother support group together with the assistance of IBM. Today,
Lynn Stump ’68 and his wife, Janice, also a Penn State the group is the Down Syndrome Association of Central
alumnus. Lynn was in my wedding back in 1975. I also Ohio. The group continued to thrive after we moved away
see my little brother, Mike Erdman ’69. Mike works at the
and is now helping hundreds of families. We were recently
honored at a special dinner for founding the organization
along with the three other couples. It’s the classic tale of
planting a seed, and how the little things you do can grow
into something big.
Vote for Ted for Board of Trustees!
All alumni are eligible to vote in the BOT election; it is not necessary to be a member of the
Alumni Association. If you’re an alumnus and did not receive your ballot, contact the Trustee
Office at 866-307-0041 or by visiting