Page 1 - Lambda Latest - October 2017
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Lambda Latest

                    Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Georgia

           Fall 2017   |  Lambda Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Georgia  |  Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |  770-903-3987

                  Brothers,                         Spotlight:         CHRISTOPHER BELK ’05

                         hank you again
                         for your ongo-     Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter, we
                  T ing support of          are shining the Spotlight on Brother Christopher
                  the Lambda Chapter!       W. Belk ’05. Originally from Charlotte, NC, Belk
                  As Michael details on     joined the Lamdba Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in
                  the next page, the chap-  2001 and graduated from the University of Georgia
     ter is healthy and continuing to grow   with a bachelor’s degree in political science in
     after a successful rush this fall. There   2005. While at UGA, Belk was a co-captain of the
     are plenty of reasons for us to feel confident   UGA Club Lacrosse Team and mentored a young
     that the chapter is in good hands!     child for the Athens Clarke County Big Brother
      The Lambda House Corporation con-     Program. After graduating in August 2005, he
     tinues to focus on our capital campaign   moved to Beaver Creek, CO, for a brief skiing stint
     and renovation project for our beloved   and then on to Atlanta, GA, to spend six years in
     chapter house. Our goal is to ensure the   sales for a coffee and tea manufacturer. Belk started
     active chapter not only has a comfort-  his MBA at UGA’s Terry College of Business in
     able and safe place to live and gather   2011 in its executive program in Atlanta – which
     but also has a competitive asset for   offered classes on nights and weekends – where he wrote the business plan for Saucehouse BBQ
     recruitment. We can only accomplish    restaurant in his last class. In 2013, upon graduating from business school, Belk left his job in
     these  goals if we have  your support!   Atlanta and moved to Athens, GA, to start Saucehouse BBQ. With the success in Athens, Belk
     With $764,085 in pledged commit-       has grown Saucehouse to open a new location this summer in Atlanta, where they are expanding
     ments from 202 donors, our capital     their catering operation with an office in Spaghetti Junction!
     campaign is inching closer to our goal
     of $1 million.                         How would you describe your time at    What is your favorite Pi Kappa Phi
      We have had many brothers step up     UGA?                                   memory?
     to support the campaign. If you haven’t   Such a great time that I wanted to do it   Attending all the tailgates as a fraternity
     made a pledge yet, I hope you will     again ... so I started a barbecue company in  before each football game. That was so
     consider doing so, as the need for this   Athens after spending one year in Colorado  much fun and a great time to get everyone
     project is significant so our chapter can   and six years in Atlanta after I graduated.  together. Maybe also attending chapter on
     remain competitive on campus. Join     Athens is the best town in America!    Monday nights as we had some characters
     me in our campaign to make a lasting                                          who made it funny and fun!
     impact – we need your help now for our
     success.                                                                      What led you to join the Lambda
      As you read about our brotherhood                                            Chapter?
     – past, present, and future – remember                                          I loved the diversity of people in my pledge
     our alumni board is working for you.                                          class and fraternity. Everyone seemed down
     Thank you for contributing to our suc-                                        to earth, from different walks of life, and just
     cess. I welcome your questions, engage-                                       looking to have a good time. There was very
     ment, stories, and connections. Your                                          little pretense of snobbery in our fraternity.
     relationships with one another and our
     active chapter are the display of our                                         Outside of work, what do you do for fun?
     ever-strengthening bonds.                                                       Skiing used to be my favorite hobby, but I
                                                                                   am trying to get into sailing now. I love being
     Fraternally,                                                                  outside and getting exercise when I can find
                                                                                   the time.

     Scott A. Beaver C’98                                                          What advice would you give to young
     P.S. Go Dawgs!                                                                alumni and active members?
                                                  One week before opening in August 2015.  Whatever you do, give it 100 percent of
                                                                                                     (Continued on Page 3)
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