Page 2 - Lambda Latest - October 2017
P. 2


     From the Chapter Historian

                       Lambda               now have 50 brothers signed up for the
                                            event, making us one of the largest frater-
                       Alumni,              nity groups to participate. We have also set
                                            a realistic donation goal of $10,000, which
                                            would be one of the largest philanthropy
                               appy  foot-  donations the Lambda Chapter has ever
                               ball season   produced.
                       H from all of          Concerning events, we have decided
                       us in the undergradu-  to add a Lambda Chapter alumni event
                       ate chapter. As you all   on Saturday, November 4, for the South
                       know, this is a special   Carolina game. We will be hosting the event
     fall semester, being that we are back on cam-  tailgate at the house before kickoff, and
     pus, and are implementing so many changes   will be hosting a watch party for those who
     to the chapter. Despite our late start to rush,   choose not to go into the game. In recent   Dawgs.
     we were still able to get a pledge class with   years, we believe the undergraduate chapter
     26 members. With these new members, we   has needed to improve its relations with the  relationship with alumni is critical, and with
     will have a total undergraduate chapter of   chapter  alumni,  and  so  we  have  decided  the help of our alumni, we have been able
     94 brothers!                           to designate one home game each fall as  to not only save, but improve, the Lambda
      One of the new policies we have intro-  Alumni Weekend. Other chapter events this  Chapter. Thanks again and Go Dawgs!
     duced is mandatory participation in the UGA   fall include our annual Beach Weekend trip
     Miracle Dance Marathon charity event for   to Myrtle Beach on October 13 and Parents   Yours in the Bonds,
     all underclassmen. Dance Marathon is one   Weekend on October 21.
     of the largest charity events at UGA, and in   Additionally, we would like to thank the
     recent years, the Lambda Chapter had seen   alumni for their continued support of the
     participation decrease drastically. Through   Lambda Chapter throughout this past year.   Michael Cannady
     the efforts of Brother Alex Dickson, we   For a great chapter to succeed, a strong   Chapter Historian

              Chapter:             ALEX DICKSON

                              Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as Spotlight is Alex   What has been your favorite experience
                              Dickson. Born in Atlanta, GA, Alex and his family moved   as a Pi Kapp?
                              to Madison, GA, in 2005. Alex is currently in his third year   My favorite experience as a Pi Kapp has
                              at the University of Georgia, majoring in risk management   to be my freshman year at our spring band
                              and insurance, and is scheduled to graduate May 2019. As   party. Every year we have a philanthropy
                              an active chapter member, he served as recruitment chair in   event during the day before our spring
                              2015/16. Alex is also heavily involved on campus, serving   party. For this event, we hold a dodgeball
                              as a member of the Student Government Association and on   tournament on our front lawn and the
                              the leadership committee of UGA Miracle. Outside of class   sororities on campus pay to make a team
                              and campus involvement, Alex enjoys Saturdays between   and participate in the event. This year also
                              the Hedges, fishing, and playing basketball.         happened to be the first year Kirby Smart
                                                                                   was taking over as the head football coach,
     What made you decide to join Lambda at   was as soon as I met all of the brothers at   and this event was held two days before
                                                                                   the G-Day game. I guess Coach Smart had
     UGA?                                   Pi Kapp, I felt right at home. The first time I   caught wind that we were having the party
      A number of things drew me into joining  ever came out with Pi Kapp was actually at
     Pi Kapp at UGA. First of all, my dad, Bob  the 100-year anniversary barbecue that was   or he just saw us out there, and he actually
                                                                                   stopped by the party to come in and hang
     Dickson, was a part of the Lambda Chapter from  held in 2015, and right when I showed up,   out. So, when he walked up on our front
     1984-88, so carrying on that legacy was  I knew that it was where I would find my   porch I walked up to him, shook his hand,
     something that was very important to me,  home. From that day on, I have continued   and then I called the Dawgs for the whole
     and it has been something that has brought  to build close relationships with all of the   party and for Coach Smart, and afterwards,
     much joy to our relationship as father and  members of the Lambda Chapter that I   he  turned  to  me  and  gave  me  a  high  five
     son as well as our family. Another reason  know will last a lifetime.

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