Page 2 - Kappa Delta Rho - Feasibility Study
P. 2

Preliminary Programs for feedback

                                        Brothers’ Keeper: $1,850,000

        Brothers’ Keeper is a holistic educational leadership initiative created in col-
        laboration with the Jed Foundation. The Jed Foundation is a nonprofit orga-
        nization that exists to protect emotional health and to prevent suicide for our
        nation’s teens and young adults. College students today face more complex
        challenges than at any other time in the history of higher education in Amer-
        ica. It is not uncommon for people dealing with these issues to turn to self-
        medication by using alcohol or controlled substances.
        To provide context, applying industry statistics provided by the JED Foundation
        to our undergraduate population, in the last year:
         •  62% of students reported overwhelming anxiety.
            This equates to 1,001 of our undergraduate Brothers.
         •  40% of students were so depressed it was difficult to function.
            This equates to 646 of our undergraduate Brothers.
         •  29% of students reported a diagnosis and/or treatment
            for a mental-health concern. This equates to 468 of our
            undergraduate Brothers.
         •  11.5% of students reported serious thoughts of suicide.
            This equates to 186 of our undergraduate Brothers.
        In the past 10 years, ΚΔΡ has experienced an average of one
        suicide per year (that we know of). There are additional failed attempts.

        The program is intended to provide:
         •  Online resources on mental-health concerns through a ΚΔΡ-branded website
            called Lifelines.
         •  Curriculum and course modules within our Legion member-education program.
         •  TIPS training.
         •  Educational programming at the Consuls Academy and Elmon M. Williams Leadership Academy to educate the undergraduate lead-
            ership on the issues and on how to be a supportive leader, as well as on the resources available.
         •  Access to a talk therapist (24 hours a day) for those at risk and their peers will also be provided through Talkspace.
         •  Mental-health first-aid training to the undergraduates.

               We appreciate your interest in KΔP and your willingness to take a few

           minutes to provide your input. For the first time in our involvement in KΔP,

               we are humbled and excited that we are talking about programs that
                   dramatically impact and potentially save lives. As parents and

                      grandparents, we can’t think of anything more important.

                                   Gregg M. Klein                             Eugene Spencer

                                   Omicron Alpha ’96                          Iota ’76
                                   President                                  President
                                   Kappa Delta Rho Foundation                 The National Fraternity of Kappa Delta Rho

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