Page 1 - Rho Chronicle - Delta Tau Delta - Stevens Institute - Spring 2018
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rho chronicle
Rho Chapter Continues to Improve
Save the Date By Liam Regan ’19 in part to the Rho Rewards program,
instituted by Kennedy ’19 and former
Under the leadership of former presi- academic chairman Anthony Lanza ’18. A
dent Alexander Kennedy ’19, Rho Chapter focus for this year’s academic chair, Noel
LAD XXII made great strides in 2017. The chapter Smith ’19, will be to carry on the success
saw improvement in all of positive-reinforcement
22 ND ANNUAL! facets of its brotherhood, programs, like Rho Re-
particularly in academics,
wards, and to find new
Friday, June 1, 2018 recruitment, and com- ways to bolster the chap-
munity involvement. This ter’s academic support
year’s new administration plan so that Rho’s average
Lee Allan Dowches seeks to build upon the GPA can continue to rise.
Recruitment in the
Memorial Golf Outing successes of last year’s, as past year has been truly
well as to address some of
1:30 p.m. shotgun start the chapter’s persistent excellent. Joseph Vitiello
Beaver Brook Country Club, weaknesses. ’19 did a tremendous
In 2017, Rho Chapter
job of attracting new
Annandale, New Jersey. emerged as an academic members. In 2017, Rho
leader among national initiated nearly 40 new
Registration is open chapters. In the spring, President Liam Regan ’19 members and now boasts Rho was recognized for one of the largest mem-
placing in the 90 percentile for GPA ber bodies on campus, with 85 brothers.
Please respond by May 19.
among all ΔΤΔ chapters nationwide. At Furthermore, of the 40 new brothers
this year’s Eastern Divisional Conference, from last year, six of them already hold
our chapter received an award for having positions in the house, two of which are
a chapter GPA above both the all-male on our executive board. This year’s recruit-
and all-fraternity averages on campus. ment chair, Zachary Eberding ’19, will
Our academic prestige is thanks largely (continued on page three)
Reflecting on an Amazing Brotherhood
By Luke Castellano ’18 being initiated in 2015 as a sophomore,
the fraternity and its brothers have seen
As I reflect on my time as a Rho Delt, all stellar growth in all aspects.
I can do is smile, joining this brotherhood I joined Delta Tau Delta because the
is one of the best decisions I’ve made. I fraternity was filled with brothers whom I
wouldn’t trade the experiences I’ve had looked up to. I saw guys like Mike Maroon
and relationships I’ve developed for ’15 excelling in athletics, Conner Towne
anything. I had the opportunity to make ’15 and Tim Leahey ’15 excelling in the
lifelong friends and memories, meet classroom, and Anthony Grasso ’17 push-
extremely inspiring alumni, contribute ing the fraternity in the right direction. I
to the growth of the fraternity, succeed met alumni like Dave Manhas ’88, Bruce
academically and professionally, and Boylan ’63, Ken Henriques ’06, and many
most of all, make a positive impact. Since (continued on page three) Stevens Institute of Technology Spring 2018