Page 5 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2011
P. 5
Alumni news And notes
Scott Altman ’81: Alumni News Corner
Astronaut or Bust!
Eric L. Meyer ’85 - As President, I led the local
By Robert Culbertson, Jr. ’54 Boy Scout Council to the National Quality Council
ach Illinois Sig, I see asks if there is any news I would like to Award 2010-2011. I oversee 9 counties in East Central Illinois and
Eshare. Living in a town of 2,000, there usually isn’t much new. over 5,000 youth and 1,700 adults. My son, Mack Meyer ’13, was
However, we had an event in our area involving Scott Altman’81. initiated last spring at Kappa Kappa.
Mrs. Morgan Elser, from my home town of Delavan, Illinois, sculpted
a bronze bust of Scott. Richard F. Lindquist ’46 - Been retired since
The bust was unveiled in Scott’s 1979, 32 years ago. Had to give up golf due
home town of Pekin, Illinois, and to back problems. Married Cora Lee Vann, for
will eventually be placed near the the second time, on November 2, 2010. We
courthouse, in Pekin, Illinois (currently really like cruises, and the next one is 70 days
on display at the Tazewell County on Holland America, Amsterdam, Asia, and
Museum & Education Center in Pekin). Australia voyage. Pictured left.
A little about Scott: Scott went
into the NASA program in 1994 and Willard P. Thomson ’55 - Hi to all of my old
prior to that he flew F-14 planes. He buddies at 410 East John, Class of ’52 - ’56.
has logged over 40 days in space It’s been fun! Miss you all!
during his four space shuttle flights
and he served as both pilot and mission Merrill E. Prichard ’48 - Retired. Still working on a History of
commander aboard the Columbia and the Sigma Chi Foundation (1939 - 1987), may become a lifetime’s
the Atlantis. His last space flight in work! In touch with Don Johnson with some regularity. The last of
2009 was the final servicing mission my six grandchildren will be a sophomore at Northwestern this fall.
Pictured from Left to Right: Robert for the Hubble Space Telescope. He A grandson is in his first year at Indiana and another in law school.
Culbertson, Jr. ’54 (self), Scott is probably best known for flying the
Altman ’81, & Morgan Elser (artist)
F-14 for Tom Cruise in “Top Gun”. Julian J. Collins ’50 - Am still hanging in there, though it doesn’t
“She did a phenomenal job, and I get any easier. Enjoyed talking to Don Johnson and Bob Prichard
couldn’t be happier,” Altman said of Elser’s work. recently. Don is moving to VA soon. Expect to see you in Arizona
“He had hugs and kind words for everybody; his smile and this coming March 2012.
warmth never changed. He has that wonderful smile, and that’s what I
tried to capture. That grin is so much of his personality. He’s not only Dean H. Schroeder ’49 - Been in partnership, Geological Oil
an international celebrity, he’s otherworldly. He’s a rare individual.” Field Consultant, with David A. Brierley ’49 for 60+ years. We
Per Delavan artist Morgan Elser, explaining the observations specialize in NE Oklahoma and Kansas Geology. I work 365 days a
of Altman interacting with other people she tried to use in hopes of year, 24 hours a day, if necessary. About time to retire?
capturing his personality in the sculpture.
Ruck, Continued from Page 1 and Larry Bird on board, and in your life and how he could help that there are strong arms around
before long, a young player by anyone he ever met. you but weak minds that guide
Ruck encouraged people to be the name Michael Jordan was Whenever I met someone you”- those of you in EX can relate
the best they could be. ‘Let’s interested in wearing Converse. who had an encounter with my to this humor. He told me going
go to lunch, let’s go to breakfast, The guys didn’t know much Father, well, a big smile would off to college, “get good grades,
let’s network’ – he was an old about Michael Jordan and weren’t come across their face and enjoy your baseball playing (I
fashioned guy.” sure what kind of player he was inevitably they would tell me a played baseball for Illinois and
Geoff Steger, Ruck’s son, going to become. He also wanted story about my Father. He had was a graduate assistant Coach as
shared a few humorous stories more money than what Magic an impact on people’s lives. He he was) and be a good fraternity
with us about his Dad. Ruck and Larry were making, so they was a story teller par excellence! man for those friendships will last
and a few friends bought a little turned him down. Michael went His humor and passion for people a lifetime”.
shoe company in 1983 you may to a company called Nike instead. were his hallmark traits. You know, he was right! Yes,
have heard of, Converse Inc. It “Larger than life” is the best He made you feel important, he was a successful entrepreneur,
was around 1984 or 1985 when way to describe my Father, says he made you laugh, he always had but his memory lies in all the
they got the idea to pay athletes Peter Steger. As he used to say a “one-liner” to leave you with people he helped along his path
to wear their shoes. No one was “it takes a lot of wind to blow a along with a big smile, a memory of life. Ruck, you will be deeply
taking advantage of this concept big wheel!” He was truly a “man that most would not forget. missed, but never forgotten.
at the time. for others”. He loved people and He loved Illinois and his
They brought Magic Johnson was always personally interested fraternity, Sigma Chi - “forget not Thank you for the “ruckisms”. 5